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War in the north? The Ministry of Defense is preparing to house 100,000 evacuees in schools - voila! Of money


Highlights: The Ministry of Defense is preparing to house 100,000 evacuees in schools - voila! Of money. "Why should the residents of the south be in hotels and the north in schools?" asks Moshe Davidovich, chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum. "Rachel had enough time to prepare for the escalation and to find suitable solutions in front of hotels, B&Bs and any other appropriate solution," says Davidovich. "I want to believe that proper preparation in regards to both the residents and the IDF will bring an end to Hezbollah's criminal attack on the residents," he adds.

The preparation for war in the north is increasing and the decision-makers' proposal submitted to the government includes the evacuation of one hundred thousand residents to schools, even though there is room for them in the hotels

Defense Minister Yoav Galant at the northern border, January 29, 2024/IDF spokesperson

Preparations for war in the north are on the rise: at the end of last week, the Minister of Defense circulated a draft for the decision-makers in the government, including preparations for the situation of warming of the sector, within the framework of which a population that will be evacuated independently, when according to the estimate it is about 100 thousand residents, will be housed in schools.

The proposal of the decision-makers arouses anger among officials in the government ministries.

The Israel Defense Forces insist on relying on the outdated "guest hotel" program, which came into effect in 2012 and has been proven to be irrelevant in the current war, because even in hotels, which provide beds, en suite bathrooms, and professional dining rooms, the evacuees find it difficult to stay for a long time.

Although it has already been three and a half Months after the outbreak of the war, no one in the Israel Defense Forces thought to update the plan and adapt it to the current situation.

What's more, the Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for Israel, assigns the evacuation of residents to the schools to the Ministry of the Interior, which strongly opposes the inappropriate solution, what's more, there are hotel rooms available, which only need to be reserved.

At the peak, 45,000 hotel rooms throughout the country were occupied, belonging to the hotel association, about 120 thousand evacuees. Officials in the association told Walla that with the provision of living allowances to the evacuees, which allowed them to rent apartments, the evacuees today occupy about 37 thousand rooms, out of about 55 thousand rooms that belong to the members of the association, about 92 thousand people , and there are several tens of thousands more in other hotels and short-term rental apartments. This means that there will be room for about 100 thousand additional evacuees.

Damage to buildings in the north by Hezbollah.

"Why should the residents of the south be in hotels and the north in schools?"/Official website, no

"While the residents of the south are in hotels, the residents of the north want to be concentrated in schools, without the ability to maintain a minimal daily routine, and this will also lead to the closure of institutions," says an official with knowledge of the details.

"Rachel had enough time to prepare for the escalation and to find suitable solutions in front of hotels, B&Bs and any other appropriate solution.

Since the beginning of the war, they have not been fulfilling their duties and expect others to do so in their place."

The source added that "there is a large amount of hotel rooms that have recently been vacated due to residents returning to their homes.

Why not produce a ladder?

First hotels, then a budgetary solution as is possible in the south and help families find independent solutions, and only if there is no other option then they will be transferred to schools.

" to, in his preparation for proactive action by the State of Israel in the north, a necessary thing that we the heads of the authorities have expected and wished for in the past months," says Moshe Davidovich, chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum.

"I want to believe that proper preparation in regards to both the residents and the IDF will bring an end to Hezbollah's criminal attack on the residents of the north, some of whom have been away from their homes for over a hundred days, and those whose lives are left are not alive.

It is to be hoped that the Israeli government will be able to allocate the appropriate resources for an orderly and respectful evacuation of those who will be forced to evacuate their homes."

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  • the north

  • War of Iron Swords

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  • Rachel

  • Ministry of Defence

  • evacuation

Source: walla

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