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The parade of shame: the companies that are now raising prices will not be forgiven - voila! Of money


Highlights: The parade of shame: the companies that are now raising prices will not be forgiven - voila! Of money. A series of heartless and shameless giant companies are taking advantage of our difficult hour to rake in more profits. The shameless don't care about the 120,000 evacuees from their homes, the hundreds of thousands of unemployed added since the beginning of the fighting. No one has the emotional leisure to start a boycott against a manufacturer or importer, or to demonstrate. And they take advantage of that.

The Israeli public struggled to survive during the war. A series of heartless and shameless giant companies are taking advantage of our difficult hour to rake in more profits

In the video: are we preparing for the coming?

Shoppers are stocking up and emptying the shelves of writers/Ruben Castro

And now quiet please.

The parade of shame passes in front of you: Shastovich, Strauss, Vysotsky, Sids, Yachin, Beit Hashita, Sogat, Willipod, Dr. Fischer, Salti Shamir, Achava, Tahina Bracha. All these companies announced a price increase in the midst of a war, without feeling a lack Convenience and conscientiousness, without an iota of solidarity during an emergency, while cynically taking advantage of the situation.

We have already suffered visible price increases over the years, always before or after the holidays, or hidden price increases that were done through various tricks, such as reducing products, canceling an "old series" of a favorite product and issuing His "new and expensive series", "limited editions", and "cancellation of promotions".

We have always been provided with excuses: the increase in transportation prices, inputs, packaging, the minimum wage, always find a good enough reason to extort the public. But no reason justifies sharp increases in price while For war, with the largest reserve mobilization in the country's history, and in one of the longest and most difficult systems we have ever known.

The companies that raise prices/image processing, Walla system!

It's been almost four months that the back has been carrying the stretcher almost alone, his shoulders are bleeding from the weight of the load, but his spirit does not break.

The giant businesses, shameless importers and manufacturers, who drag the whole market after them, don't care.

They make tea, pasta, tuna, toothpaste, canned corn, tomato paste, olives, pickles, sugar, flour, rice, tahini more expensive.

They don't think of giving a shoulder to lighten the burden on the shoulders of the citizens, but extend it comfortably with the full weight of their weight, with the high profit percentages and turnovers of hundreds of millions.

If they sold us luxury, no problem.

A high price can be charged for indulgences, those who have a lot of money are welcome to spend it wherever they feel like it.

But when it comes to basic products, and not boutique wines, pampering vacations or flights abroad, the bad smell chokes the throat.

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To the full article

Supermarket in Israel.

Tell me, who do you beat?/Reuven Castro

The shameless don't care about the 120,000 evacuees from their homes, the hundreds of thousands of unemployed added since the beginning of the fighting and the self-employed whose livelihood depends on containment.

Their managers will continue to draw huge salaries every month and will receive annual bonuses for reaching the profit targets, will sign another handsome donation "to the war effort", will be taxed on it and mutter the catchy slogan, which appears on packaging, ads and advertisements about the company, "Together we will win", in blue and white, with an emphasis on "together".

Tell me, who do you beat?

Hamas, or the families who sent the husband, son or brother to the reserves, and buy at their expense vests, knee pads, groceries and meat to cook for the soldiers?

Those whose bill at the supermarket doubled, because they adopted a small business that a neighbor opened at home and provide him with groceries regularly, so that you cook hot meals that are transported daily into Gaza? Those are the ones you want to defeat?

And let's dwell on the cynicism for a moment. People mourn their dead, their hearts are torn by worry To their abducted loved ones, to the fighters on the front. There is not an Israeli home that is not now either in mourning or in great anxiety. No one has the emotional leisure to start a protest against a heartless manufacturer or importer, to boycott or to demonstrate. When lives are at stake, the squeezed livelihood is not interesting, not even the overdraft And they take advantage of that. The loss, the pain and the bereavement. There is no lower and more horrible exploitation than that.

Don't say you are businessmen, and all in all you are doing your job. If other Israelis are willing to sacrifice their lives for the people and country, leaving behind families, workplaces and businesses, You too can contribute the little that is expected of you. Leave the greed for after the war.

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  • Cost of living

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  • Vysotsky

  • Shastovich

  • will prepare

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  • brotherhood

  • Suget

Source: walla

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