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Encouraging data: increase in Haredim and Arab employment - voila! Of money


Highlights: Encouraging data: increase in Haredim and Arab employment - voila! Of money. The CBS data for 2023 indicates a positive trend and an increase of several percent in the employment rate of both populations. Despite the war, in the past year there has been a significant and continuous increase in the number of ultra-Orthodox men and Arab women who go out and go to work. For Arab men, there was actually a 3% decrease in employment in the last quarter - this is due to the effects of the war that significantly harm the Arab sector.

The CBS data for 2023 indicates a positive trend and an increase of several percent in the employment rate of both populations: "The upward trend in the employment of ultra-Orthodox men will continue"

In the video: Dozens of ultra-Orthodox people block the Shabbat Square intersection in Jerusalem in protest over the dismemberment of a young woman from Beit Shemesh/photo: Moti Peretz official website

Encouraging data is published this morning by the Central Bureau of Statistics: despite the war, in the past year there has been a significant and continuous increase in the number of ultra-Orthodox men and Arab women who go out and go to work.

4% more ultra-Orthodox men entering the labor market (currently at 58.9%), and an increase of about 2% in Arab women (currently at 44.8%).

As mentioned, these are the two population groups that regularly appear at the bottom of the list of employed people in Israel - showing a continuous upward trend even in the summary of 2023. For Arab men, there was actually a 3% decrease in employment in the last quarter - this is due to the effects of the war that significantly harm the Arab sector.

The high employment rates among ultra-Orthodox women are apparently a direct continuation of the ever-increasing openness in education to the various professions and to Liva studies. Thus, just last month it was published in Walla! that ultra-Orthodox girls lead girls' achievements in Israel in mathematics and reading: in mathematics - their achievements are similar to the level of girls studying in education state schools, and in reading - their achievements are 12 points higher than them; in science - the achievements of ultra-Orthodox girls are nine points higher than girls in state-religious education.

Bnei Brak, this week.

"The young generation in the ultra-orthodox sector enters the labor market at significantly higher rates than the generations that preceded it"/Reuven Castro

"The young generation in the ultra-orthodox sector is entering the labor market at significantly higher rates than the generations that preceded it. A week ago we published in the study "Where is the cheese?" data showing that the rate of increase in employment among young people aged 25-34 was the fastest - and they were the main force driving the increase in the employment rate of ultra-Orthodox men between the years 2005-2019," explained Dr. Eitan Regev, VP of Research and Data of the Ultra-Orthodox Institute for Policy Studies.

According to him, "The meaning is that in the coming years the upward trend in the employment of ultra-Orthodox men will continue. Not only because of the increase in interest rates and the cost of living - but also because of the change of generations in the labor market which naturally produces a consistent increase over time."

  • More on the same topic:

  • religious

  • Arabs

  • employment

  • Central Bureau of Statistics

  • Working

  • unemployment

Source: walla

All business articles on 2024-02-04

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