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Economic policies? The yeshiva budget will not be cut - voila! Of money


Highlights: The state budget for 2024 will finally be placed on the Knesset table, on the way to its approval. The budget of Torah institutions will not be cut in 2024 and will reach more than NIS 1.7 billion. It appears that the cut will be avoided by diverting NIS 130 million from other budgets, including from the Ministry of Education, for the benefit of yeshiva and kollels. The government voted on these items yesterday, even though they did not appear on the meeting's agenda, under the radar.

The government last night voted under the radar to divert NIS 130 million from the budgets of other ministries, especially the Ministry of Education - the budget of Torah institutions will amount to approximately NIS 1.7 billion and will not be affected

Blocking Bezalel Smotrich's car at the entrance to Channel 14/according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

Today, as luck would have it, and three weeks late, the state budget for 2024 will finally be placed on the Knesset table, on the way to its approval.

Because of the very inelegant delay, it will not be approved on the target date, February 19, as it must go through discussions in the finance committee, which, as of now, only has six full working days left, which will not be enough to vote on all its clauses.

The Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, delayed the presentation of the budget in order to get the approval of the legal counsel to include the coalition funds in the budget, in order to reduce the criticism of it and as it seems he succeeded.

The Haberakh budget remains as it was, despite the horizontal cut of 5% imposed on the government ministries and stands at NIS 130 million, NIS 65 million will come from the horizontal cut, and the rest from the Ministry of Education.

The budget of Torah institutions will not be cut in 2024 and will reach more than NIS 1.7 billion.

It appears that the cut will be avoided by diverting NIS 130 million from other budgets, including from the Ministry of Education, for the benefit of yeshiva and kollels.


He delayed the presentation of the budget in order to get the approval of the legal counsel to include the coalition funds in it/image processing, Haim Goldberg/Flash 90

The government voted on these items yesterday, even though they did not appear on the meeting's agenda, under the radar.

And while there are no coalition funds, there is no cut that is so necessary.

At the moment it is not clear where the budgetary source will come from for civil issues such as compensation for evacuees, fighters and reservists, the elderly and Holocaust survivors.

In the meantime, the government ministers are still conducting discussions on the rate of the horizontal cut, when the debates are going on about the initial amount from which the cut will be made, whether from the budget that includes salaries and expenses, or only from the one that is directed to the current work.

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  • Bezalel Smotrich

  • the state budget

  • meetings

  • Ebrachs

Source: walla

All business articles on 2024-02-05

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