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Emergency routine: the labor market recovered in January, but not in Eilat - voila! Of money


Highlights: The employment service report shows that the downward trend in the number of job seekers continues, except in the southern city of Eilat. The two cities with the highest rate of jobseekers are Rahat and Umm Al Fahm with a rate of 10.3% and 10.1%, respectively. Most are in the periphery, with 4 out of the first 5 being Arab or mixed cities. On the other hand, in the ultra-Orthodox Bnei Brak and Elad and in the strong Sharon settlements (Ka'ra'anana and Ramat Hasharon) the lowest rates ofJobseekers were recorded.

The employment service report shows that the downward trend in the number of job seekers continues, except in the southern city: "The distress in Eilat is increasing, more significant state intervention is requested"

Interceptions over the skies of Eilat.

January 18, 2024/Documentation in social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

The employment service report published this morning for the month of January indicates that the downward trend in the number of job seekers continues, with their number falling by 7.9% over the past month to 274.3 thousand. In addition, for the first time in a long time - the number of job seekers from the high-tech industries has decreased, and in almost all professions Geographically as well


the employment service reports that the increase in employed people continues in most cities in Israel, with the exception of Eilat, which recorded a 2.5% decrease compared to December. In recent months, much has been published about the mayor's cry for economic collapse, and now - the data is beginning to prove that, unlike many cities in the country - It is struggling to recover.

The two cities with the highest rate of jobseekers are Rahat and Umm Al Fahm with a rate of jobseekers of 10.3% and 10.1%, respectively. These cities were at the top of the list throughout the past year as well.

All 15 cities have the highest rate of jobseekers Most are in the periphery, with 4 out of the first 5 being Arab or mixed cities. On the other hand, in the ultra-Orthodox Bnei Brak and Elad and in the strong Sharon settlements (Ka'ra'anana and Ramat Hasharon) the lowest rates of jobseekers were recorded. Compared to the previous month, all cities recorded decreases in the number of jobseekers, while on average It was a decrease of 8.5%.

Hotels in Eilat.

The only city where the rate of job seekers rose in January/ShutterStock

The decrease in the number of job seekers originates from a significant decrease of over 10% recorded in the number of unemployment claimants, from 236.6 thousand in December to 211.3 thousand in January.

In contrast, the number of income guarantee claimants actually increased by 4.2%, from 54 thousand in December to 56.4 thousand in January.

On the basis of the existing data, the service estimates that as long as the upward trend in the number of income guarantee claimants continues, this may be temporary and limited during the war period and its circumstances.

Rami Graor, CEO of the Employment Service: "The data of the Employment Service in the last two months show the resilience of the Israeli labor market and its ability to adapt to the 'emergency routine' and quickly get out of employment crises, we witnessed this during Corona and we are witnessing this even now with iron swords.

"However, attention should be paid to the growing plight of the city of Eilat, which was the only city where the number of job seekers increased this month, while the number in each of the cities decreased by an average rate of 8.5% per city. The employment service works as much as it can to help all job seekers, including those in Eilat, but it seems that a more significant state intervention is called for."

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  • Working

  • employment

  • Eilat

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  • unemployment

Source: walla

All business articles on 2024-02-14

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