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Dead cow in the sea? After an investment of US$ 700 million, oil companies begin to produce gas on the Argentine coast


Highlights: Three international oil companies installed an oil platform built in Italy in Tierra del Fuego. They will begin producing gas in November and at the peak it would represent 7% of Argentine production last winter. The Fénix project is expected to reach a peak production of about 10 million cubic meters per day (MMm3/d) of natural gas. The project belongs 37.5% to Total, another 37. 5% to Wintershall Dea and 25% to PAE.

Three international oil companies installed an oil platform built in Italy in Tierra del Fuego. They will begin producing gas in November and at the peak it would represent 7% of Argentine production last winter.

The oil companies

Total (France), Wintershall Dea (Germany) and PAE

will begin producing

natural gas



with the

Fénix project, in Tierra del Fuego

, after disbursing

investments of about 700 million dollars


This week, the companies managed to install

a 4,800-ton oil platform built in Italy

in the middle of the Argentine Sea


It was located about 60 kilometers from the coast of

Tierra del Fuego

, in waters 70 meters deep.

The Fénix project is expected to reach a peak production of about

10 million cubic meters per day (MMm3/d)

of natural gas, which would represent an

extra 7% of the national production

that Argentina had last winter - about 143 MMm3/d-.

The project belongs 37.5% to Total, another 37.5% to Wintershall Dea and 25% to PAE.

During the first phase of development three wells will be drilled from an unmanned wellhead platform.

Production will be evacuated via a 24-inch

underwater multiphase line to the

Vega Pléyade


, located 35 kilometers away.

The injection into the national system will be through the

San Martín Gasduct

, which has available capacity due to the decrease in other wells.

The Fénix oil platform is 60 kilometers off the coast of Tierra del Fuego.

Photo: Wintershall Dea

"Given the size of the project, the logistics and installation of the platform were carried out in two phases: first the installation of the


with four piles during January, followed by the lifting and placement of the upper deck, weighing 1,500 tons," the participating companies communicated.

"Starting on January 8, the deck was transported from the

Rosetti Marino shipyard in Italy

to Tierra del Fuego, within a month, aboard the

heavy transport vessel HTV Interocean II

. Four ships participated in the installation of both parts of the platform, led by

Heerema's Aegir heavy lift vessel

. All work was completed

safely and without incident

," the German Wintershall Dea highlighted in a statement.

The Fénix platform deck covers an area of

​​2,500 square meters

and consists of five levels: the


, the upper deck, the main deck with the wellheads and instrument room, and the lower deck.

The platform is designed to be operated from land


without the need for a permanent crew.


offshore oil exploration was harshly questioned by



, oil and natural gas extraction activity in the Argentine Sea has been going on for more than 50 years, without incident.

In fact, about

15% of last year's gas production was offshore


The economic possibilities that opened up after the last bidding for areas - in 2019 - could mean

another Vaca Muerta

, if the exploration, which will take about a decade, is successful.

Starting in the 2030s, Argentina could add


of more than 20,000 million dollars and have employment for another 30,000 people



Being positioned "in front" of


, where oil resources were found, geologists assume that fuels are also deposited on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.


Source: clarin

All business articles on 2024-02-15

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