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The cut in the preschool budget will cost us much more in the future - voila! Of money


Highlights: The majority of the cuts in the Ministry of Education's budget for 2024 are going to be in early childhood education. This cut will come directly at the expense of the toddlers, as it will brutally cut training and training for caregivers. Toddlers need stable frameworks and educators-caregivers who knew how to deal with the trauma and calm both themselves and the toddlers. It is not too late to change the evil of the decree. About 70% of the preschool teachers have not been trained for their challenging role. The government has started to address this gap recently, but it is still the reality.

Kindergarteners report a setback in the development of toddlers during the war, and we must stop now and save them from irreversible damage and gaps that will be discovered at more advanced ages

In the video, assistants were beaten in front of the children in the kindergarten in Shafla/documentation on social networks according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law

For more than four months now, toddlers in Israel have been living in a war, like the rest of us, and the stress and pain are holding back their development. It was precisely during this period that the state was expected to invest in them as much as possible.

Astonishingly, the majority of the cuts in the Ministry of Education's budget for 2024 are going to be in early childhood education.

A total of NIS 300 million will be cut in the Ministry of Education's budget, of which NIS 200 million is in the education budget for ages birth to three.

This cut will come directly at the expense of the toddlers, as it will brutally cut training and training for caregivers.

This budget was supposed to be used, among other things, for the employment of educational counselors to the extent of ten hours of instruction for each daycare center in Israel, so that they would teach the early childhood educators how to deal with the trauma and developmental deterioration of many of the toddlers during this very difficult period.

It is important to mention, early childhood education was neglected for many years, and only in the last two years has it begun to receive a little more attention.

It was this government that regretted its decision to invest in education for ages birth to three, and made a significant step in investing in the professional development of the educators-nurses.

Educators at the day care centers were also given perseverance grants this year to deal with the tremendous shortage of personnel in the field.

Now, in the budget that will be presented in a few days for the approval of the Knesset, half of the budget allocated by the government will be cut.

Also, the persistence grants will not be renewed and they will end at the end of the year.

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


Early childhood education has been neglected for many years, and only in the last two years has it begun to receive more attention/image processing, without

After the war: signs of distress among babies

From a survey we conducted with the "Good Hands" partnership among hundreds of private and subsidized daycare managers all over the country, it becomes clear that the vast majority report a developmental setback for the toddlers.

More than half of the principals reported an increase in signs of distress in toddlers following the war.

Of these, 30% identified that since the beginning of the war there had been an increase in signs of anger and reluctance among toddlers, 24% reported sleeping difficulties, 13% identified increased eating difficulties in toddlers.

This war has hurt us all, there are hundreds of thousands of evacuees and hundreds of thousands of families whose father is in the reserves and therefore the toddlers are experiencing enormous trauma.

The parents are under high stress.

Therefore, there is a need more than ever for educational trainings that can teach educators about the correct approach to toddlers in distress.

The right approach can save these toddlers from irreversible damage and gaps that will be discovered at more advanced ages.

Considering this difficult situation, it is clear that education for these ages should be the last section to be cut.

The toddlers need stable frameworks and educators-caregivers who knew how to deal with the trauma and calm both themselves and the toddlers.

Therefore, supporting early childhood educators is one of the most important things that the Ministry of Education must lead together with the local authorities these days.

Extend the act

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Attorney Tali Nir, CEO of the 121 Association and leader of the "In Good Hands" partnership/courtesy of the photographs

It is not too late to change the evil of the decree

It should be remembered that about 70% of the preschool teachers have not been trained for their challenging role.

This is the direct result of neglecting early childhood education for all these years.

The government has started to address this gap recently, but it is still the reality.

Therefore, it is clear that these educators must urgently receive support and professional tools so that they know how to provide an emotional and pedagogical response that is correct and adapted to the needs of the toddlers, in this difficult period, in which their minds and souls are shaped for their entire lives.

This period has a decisive influence on toddlers.

If they do not receive correct torture, the personal and national trauma will become scars that they will carry for the rest of their lives.

Toddlers who experienced the actual war, evacuation and ongoing trauma, must have educators who knew how to help them.

Their educators should be given much increased assistance.

Improper treatment will affect the toddlers and the future of society and the country for many years to come.

It is still not too late to change the evil of the decree, and I believe that the Minister of Education will not abandon the toddlers for whom he fought in the state budget that was approved last May.

Minister of Education, Yoav Kish, it is time to wake up and change direction.

The cut now will cause irreversible damage to many toddlers.

It will also cost us all a lot more money down the road.

We trust you not to be strong on the smallest and most neglected children in the education system.

The author is the CEO of the 121 association and leads the partnership "In good hands" which coordinates over 60 educational and social organizations that work to promote early childhood education.

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  • babies

  • toddlers

  • distress

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  • Kindergarten

  • Early childhood

  • Ministry of Education

  • Budget cuts

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Source: walla

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