"Laundered" workers will be granted up to 60 months to collect 30 years of contributions to retire. But those months will not be taken into account for the retirement calculation.

Employers who regularize these workers will have the following benefits: Forgiveness of debt. Incentives may be established for the cancellation of the cash obligation and special benefits for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The regularization must be carried out within 90 calendar days of entry into force of the regulations. The regulations will determine the forgiveness percentages to be applied, which in no case will be less than 70% of the amounts owed. The benefits will be available to employers in exchange for the regularization of current labor relations in the private sector that began prior to the date of promulgation of the standard. The law will not apply to unregistered labor relations or poorly registered labor relations, lawyer Ariel Samana says. It will apply to all labor relations that are disputed in administrative, judicial or judicial proceedings.