If you work from home or have your office at home, you may be able to deduct your energy costs. If you maintain a second home in another location for professional reasons, you can claim the monthly costs of up to 1,000 euros in your tax return.

In most cases, retroactively to January 1, 2022, income tax is no longer due on profits from the photovoltaic system. From 2023, a zero percent sales tax rate will also apply to the delivery and installation of the PV system with all its parts and components. The tax office will closely examine the use of the study. Some conditions must be met in order to claim dual household management, including the fact that the second home exists solely because of the job and is not the center of life. You can also deduct the entire cost of the room, including proportionate energy costs for heating, electricity, and water, as business expenses. You could already claim 5 euros per day for every day in the home office for the tax years 2020 to 2022.