Martn Menem and the former head of AySA clashed over payment of allowances through Mercado Pago. Menem: "There are many towns in Argentina that do not have banks, and the only way to collect payments is through the Post Office.

It was always transparent. Now a private businessman is going to earn money with the financial bike... with yours, the taxpayer. " I'm telling you, in case you're not aware, that not only is the AUH automatic, the entire allocation system is. Of course, post compensating fund system by the way (you know what I'm talking about, right?)," Menem replied to the former AySA head. "But I also tell you that not just Banco Nación pays but also all the other banks in the system. " I'll tell you in case you're not aware that not only is the AUH automatic... but also... "