It was clear what would happen if politics did not create the right framework conditions. That's why the first ark was built in Hellersdorf. Citizens' money has been increased, but there must be a difference between citizens' money and work.

The economy should create daycare places in their companies so that parents can also work. We need skilled workers in companies, not just today, but also in ten, twenty, thirty years. If we don't pay enough attention to the children, we will produce failures. I'll put it bluntly. The federal government wants to import 60,000 children who do not finish school every year. We have to give people a chance to develop and not just sit at home. We are a welfare state, and we have a responsibility. There must be an incentive to make work a little more interesting. We can't let people starve because of the cost of living, which of course also increases. There has to be an adjustment to the citizen's money. It is not for nothing that it is said that it takes the whole village to raise a child.