Captain Steel will be traveling to meet great epiccini in the first four events of the 2024 edition, stopping at the Comicon in Naples and in the squares of Chieti, Latina, and Siena. "In 2023, Italy achieved extraordinary results, achieving a recycling rate for steel packaging of 87.8%, already significantly exceeding the European target of 80% set for 2030," declared Domenico Rinaldini, president of Ricrea.

In the coming weeks, the initiative promoted by Ricrea will give citizens the opportunity to discover that steel is 100% infinitely recycled, and that correct disposal is the first step to trigger the virtuous circuit of the circular economy. Among the many initiatives planned, creative-play workshops aimed at children, quizzes, and games, and finally an award ceremony for the most virtuous cities, in recognition of the results achieved. (HANDLE)..