The month of April, with the school holidays that accompany it, is the ideal time to discover the architectural treasures of the department. Municipalities, tourist offices, and the Council for Architecture, Town Planning, and the Environment of Charente-Maritime multiply the opportunities through visits, workshops, and conferences.

The complete program is available on the website of the Council. Here are three outing ideas for you to consider: in Saintes, an urban stroll is organized by the Heritage Department. In Rochefort, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the transporter bridge which spans the Charento to Échillais. The venerable structure is now the last in France, and it celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2020 after a major rehabilitation. In Royan, 7-9 year olds are invited to design nothing less than a model inspired by the Notre-Dame church. It will tell visitors the rich and old history of rue Saint-Michel which runs through the city center, not far from the cathedral and the Charente-Maritime Museum.