79 years ago, Freising was bombed. The Protestant Church remembered the victims of that time.

For the pastor, this was also the order of the day. The area around the train station and the industry located there were reduced to rubble. Also, the Church of the Ascension of Christ. Only the tower rose into the sky like a silent memorial for peace. The peace prayer and the words of Pastor Heiko Blank made it clear to everyone that 79 years later, the war was frighteningly close, and the commitment to peace was the order of the day. One thinks of the people who refuse to serve in the military in Freising. They think of the refugees, the hungry, children, women, and all people who are helplessly exposed to wars. “Lord, give us faith, love, and hope in these times.’” City Councilor Charlotte Reitsam did so with the words: “ Lord, give me faith, love, and hope.’”