The Congressional investigation commission on the purchases of medical supplies in the pandemic will not summon the chief prosecutor to appear. The socialists accepted, at the request of EH Bildu, that the head of Anti-Corruption appear to give a global vision of his work, but now they will vote again to exclude him from the list.

The request for prosecutors to appear was not an initiative of the PSOE, which did not include them in its initial list of 84 requests. But, after negotiation with their partners, the socialists agreed and signed a definitive list that did include them. This is how the agreement was reached to summon, in addition to many politicians from different parties, positions, and experts, three prosecutors: Alejandro Luzón, Alejandro Lózón, and Juan Carlos Ponce de León. The parliamentary committee will now vote, on a date yet to be determined, to exclude these subpoenas, as confirmed by parliamentary sources. The lawyers of the Cortes, in any case, had determined that there was nothing irregular in them, and there were precedents. The attorney general, in his letter to the president of the congressional investigative commission, alleged that Anti-Corruption was directly involved in many procedures that were the subject of the commission. The list of appearances approved that day went ahead with the vote of the PSOE, Sumar and all its usual partners, and the vote against the PP and Vox, which disqualified the commission as a “paripé. The socialist group has confirmed the clear and “founded” position of La Moncloa, the minister, and the Prosecutor's Office, and they are going to take it into account, although they insist that there was nothing illegal in the initial intention of calling the prosecutors. In any case, this situation will be corrected immediately and even more so after the commission becomes aware of the anger of the Attorney General's Office and the wake-up call of Bolaos, who took the side of lvaro Garcia Ortiz.