Emmanuel Macron and the head of the majority list Valérie Hayer appeared together for the first time since the start of the campaign. The President of the Republic took advantage of the traditional meeting of the centrist group Renew, in Brussels to provide support, in front of the cameras, to the one he had designated.

La France Insoumise denounced the use of the means of the Élysée to campaign for the list supported by the president. Asked about the relevance of the procedure, the majority replied that Emmanuel Macron only answered a question. He did not make a speech or solemn intervention to praise the merits of the one who wears the colors of his camp. "We have the right candidate and above all the good ideas," rejoiced Manuel Bompard, the party's coordinator. The video of his intervention with Valérie Hayer was immediately published on the Élysée's X account. It was supposed to revitalize the Mayennaise campaign, which is struggling in the polls.