The idea has been floating around in Ludwig Utschneider's head since January. The high school teacher for German, history, and social studies and his colleagues found a suitable date.

79 years ago - on April 29, 1945 - the National Socialist dictatorship and the Second World War ended for Oberammergau with the invasion of U.S. troops. The Basic Law will celebrate its 75th birthday in a few weeks. The Federal Republic and with it, democracy in Germany has existed for 75 years. Both are reasons enough to use a joint event to remind people of the value thatdemocracy and diversity have for coexistence. The vow game ultimately attracts visitors from all over the world. A kick-off event is planned that begins at 4.30pm on Sunday, April 28th, in the town hall in the center of the town. The event is open to the public and free of charge.