A total of 168 awards were presented for four regional missions to 88 volunteers from THW Freising. More than 70 honorees in official uniform had gathered in the district office's stables.

Local representative Michael Wüst: "On the one hand, Corona has made it impossible for us to organize an appropriate awards event. And on the other hand, it unfortunately took what felt like two eternities, actually until the end of 2023, until the federal flood relief medal was delivered.'” The THW volunteers work a lot of hours a year: 'From 2020 to 2023 there was a total of more than 63,000 volunteer hours, which the local association's balance shows over 167,000 hours of service for the same period,' says Wüst. 'And then there are the large-scale operations in which THW Freising emergency services are often significantly involved in dealing with the damage.'