Pythagorean numerology is a practice in which we work on the value of each number. The number 2024 is a year that vibrates under the frequency 8, a number that “invites us to go out into the world and activate our self-confidence.

” A numerologist says, “Certain experiences will come, then, and the frequency that we have annually will order and guide them. ” The method described by the numerologist below is a simple way to use the knowledge of Pythagorean numerology by reducing the numbers. If you want to learn how to calculate your annual, grab a pencil and paper and start with the first number you have been given by a numerologist. The second number is the birth number, the third is the date of birth, the fourth is the year you were born, and the fifth is the age you were when you were first born. The sixth and seventh numbers are your birthday and the year of your birth, respectively. Annual number 2 sharpens intuition during this period. It is a cycle that favors our most receptive attitudes. The 3rd annual, he said, is an opportunity to travel and have fun. “Year 3 is the best!!” said the numerologist. The 4th annual follows the archetype of feminine frequencies, more reflective and welcoming. The 5th and 6th annual follow the archetype of masculine frequencies, more reserved and reserved. The 7th and 8th annual are the final two years of the year, and the 9th and 10th are the last two years in the year of the snake. The 11th and 12th year is the last year in which the snake is the most active. The 13th and 14th years are the least active, and the 15th and 16th years the least active. The 17th and 18th years are the most relaxed and relaxed, and the 19th and 20th years are the most reserved and reserved. The 20th and 21st years will be the most energetic and expressive.