Île-de-France Mobilités announced that it would extend by one week the reimbursement platform for RER and Transiliens delays suffered by users in 2023. Subscribed travelers will benefit from a sum of between half a month of Navigo package (€42.05) and up to one and a half months for the North axis of the RER B (Aulnay-Mitry-Claye), i.e.

126.15 €. According to figures, more than 250,000 requests have been submitted, including 200,000 accepted by the Ile-de-France transport authority. These reimbursements are equivalent to the sum of 10 million euros. The organization said it was much more "demanding" this year in terms of delays, with punctuality less than 80% for three months of the year on the route you use daily. You are now eligible for a refund, explains the platform, which also includes routes with average punctuality of "less than 85%."