The chairman of the party will determine the list of party candidates for the Knesset among the party members and the order in which they will be placed on the list, in consultation with the party management. He will be the party's number one candidate in the Knesseset elections.

The members of the organizing committee will not exceed three people, and the chairman will decide the members of their organizing committee. He may delegate this authority to an organizing committee, but only if a quarter of the candidates are not party members. He can cancel the decisions of the secretariat, and a ban on terminating his membership as chairman is in place. He is the only person in the party who has the right to do so. The Otzma Yehudit party has changed its statutes. The chairman of the party will decide on agreements regarding joint running with other parties for the Knesset or the local authorities. The secretariat, which until now was authorized to fire board members, can no longer do so in the new regulations. The election committee has also been completely abolished. Among the members of the board, there is a division for the chairman, the CEO, and the ombudsman (a position that will no longer exist in 2022 according to the official report). The new regulations were published by the Israeli Ministry of Justice on Monday. They are available on the party's official website here: