Vox has proposed to modify law 3/2020 on the Protection and Recovery of the Mar Menor. The response of the PP of the Region of Murcia has been unchanged for months: "We will not give a step back in the protection" of the coastal lagoon.

The popular ones have taken a new turn on this matter to now defend that the law in force can be "improved" and a new regulation must be developed "as a result of the greatest possible consensus. "The proposal will be debated in another plenary session, since it was not part of today's agenda, but for the first time, the popular ones openly affirm their intention to change this rule. This blockade has aroused the anger of the president of Vox, Rubén Martnez Alpaez, parliamentary spokesperson for Vox. He has shown his surprise at the behavior of his government partners (PP), because if they had directly supported the initiative without presenting another, the reform process would have been opened with the introduction of amendments and changes.