Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Bundestag Vice President from the Greens. Sahra Wagenknecht, chairwoman of the BSW party named after her.

Then the talk got wild. After the quote, the talk completely slips away. She is certain that this war cannot be ended militarily, she says. She calls statements such as those made by Göring-Eckardt 'war criminals' and 'just as I find every war criminal.' 'The worst thing I can imagine is that Putin rules over us,' a Ukrainian woman told her, she adds. 'Then our life, our freedom is over. We saw that, we know that's what it's all about,' she says, referring to the war in Ukraine. 'I find this war criminal, just as I find every war criminal,' says Wagenknecht. 'You have to achieve a situation in which the guns are silent, the politician points out, but is repeatedly interrupted by her opponent.'