A 32-year-old mother was sentenced to eighteen months in prison for habitual violence and deprivation of care and food for her youngest. The little boy suffered in particular from a broken collarbone.

His mother allegedly forced him on several occasions to attend the family dinner without being able to eat, leading him to eat in secret at night. The stepmother explained at the hearing that her son reminded her of her violent partner to whom she was forced to marry. Her two children would not have been “wanted," in the words of her lawyer. The defendant was also sentenced to an obligation of care, with the prison sentence adjusted in the form of an electronic bracelet. The judge noted that the boy was "the scapegoat in the family's family" and that he had been punished for not getting to bed at a certain time at the end of the day. The mother admitted the violence without explaining it, saying: "My child didn't deserve that, I was overwhelmed."