The Parisian brigade for the fight against cyber crime (BLCC) of the judicial police has closed the illicit 2.0 trade aimed at monetizing around thirty "phishing" kits. The kits included real contact details of individuals, obtained fraudulently, likely to be contacted subsequently, in the name of a very real French bank.

The reseller, a young man of 26, living in Corsica, with 1,600 subscribers, is expected on June 13 at the Paris judicial court. He is being prosecuted for "attacking an automated data processing system, and fraud, offenses punishable by seven years in prison'. The darkweb's Cosa Nostra forum has been shut down. On Telegram, there are already other sites of the same name... "pale, false copies of the first," an analysis by a source. At the end of March, two boys with gamer profiles, from Normandy and Toulouse, just in their twenties, were also arrested, suspected of having sold more than two million false documents online.