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If your nasal mucus is this color, go to the doctor quickly


Not only the fingernail or the ear color can tell a lot about health - the nasal secretion also shows whether the immune system is going crazy.

Not only the fingernail or the ear color can tell a lot about health - the nasal secretion also shows whether the immune system is going crazy.

Nasal mucus is a taboo subject - after all, nobody likes to talk about it, since it is too disgusting for many. For this reason, someone rarely looks at the sputum that he made. Better to throw away the handkerchief quickly, most would rather think so.

Interpret secretion - for the sake of health

It would be so important to take a closer look - because what the secretion looks like can provide information about how our health is doing. These seven color shades and their explanation help you to better understand the nasal secretion - and in the best case act quickly.

  • Clear mucus : If you sneeze and a clear liquid appears, you have nothing to fear. Clear secretion consists of water mixed with proteins, antibodies and dissolved salts. This is produced around the clock - and usually goes unnoticed from the neck to the stomach, where it is processed.
  • White mucus : This is usually a sign of an inflammation of the nasal mucosa and can indicate a cold. The reason for this: If the tissue swells inside the nose, the secretion can no longer flow as well. As a result, it loses liquid - and thick lumps are formed.
  • Yellow slime : This shade of color indicates that the cold has already progressed. The white blood cells are in the process of fighting the invading viruses. When they are used up, they are usually removed via the mucous membrane, hence the yellowish discoloration of the sputum. However, since colds can last from days to weeks, you should stay calm for now.
  • Green slime : However, if you are still sick after weeks and whose nasal secretion also turns green, you should better see a doctor. After all, a bacterial infection such as sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) could be behind it. A visit to the doctor is particularly recommended if you also have a fever and / or nausea.

Also interesting : Here you can find out everything you need to know about flu - about duration, home remedies and flu vaccinations .

  • Purple or red mucus : this is definitely blood. For some reason, the nasal mucosa is inflamed or injured. However, it can also only be dry (from the heating air) or scratched open. Nevertheless, the following applies here: caution is better than forbearance.
  • Brown slime : This could also be blood. However, it may also be that you breathed dirt or pollen through your nose, for example, which then settled in the hairs of your nose.
  • Black slime : caution is advised here. Finally, the dark color indicates that you are probably suffering from a yeast infection. However, this usually only occurs when the immune system is already very stressed. Therefore, you should see a doctor as soon as possible to get a check-up.

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Source: merkur

All life articles on 2020-02-17

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