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Coronavirus: measures announced for micro creches and childminders


Like schools, nurseries will be closed from Monday, and until further notice. But other childcare solutions are possible.

It is a puzzle for many parents. The crèches are part of the establishments closed “ until further notice ” from Monday, according to announcements by Emmanuel Macron. How, then, to babysit your children next week? Friday March 13, during his daily press briefing, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran provided details on the system to be planned.

Read also: Working parents and closed schools: what can be done

" The concentration of several dozen children is an important factor in the spread of the virus, " said the minister. On the other hand, " the structures which accommodate much smaller numbers of children do not present the same risks ". Good news for parents whose children are looked after by a childminder or in a micro-crèche.

  • Childminders will be able to accommodate more

Childminders will not be forced to stop their activity in the coming weeks, and may even be able to take care of more children. " We are going to generalize the exemption allowing departmental councils to authorize nursery assistants to receive up to six children under the age of three simultaneously, compared to four today, " said Olivier Véran.

On the other hand, the Nursery Assistants (MAM) Houses which welcome more than ten children will be closed, and the assistants placed in partial activity.

  • The micro-cribs remain open

Considering that the risk of spreading the virus is significant only when more than ten children are gathered, the Minister of Health confirmed the maintenance in activity of micro-creches, which cannot accommodate more.

A “universal family information service” should also be set up quickly to allow parents to know the availability of childminders as well as those of micro-creches.

  • Special measures for health personnel

For health personnel in the field, Olivier Véran promised some adjustments regarding childcare. They will be able to be welcomed Monday " in schools and colleges, as well as in nurseries, said the Minister of Health . There will be no class, but teachers will be present in these establishments to welcome [these] children. "

Read also: Coronavirus: ways to keep caregivers' children

This emergency guard could also concern the children of firefighters: " We do not exclude requisitioning places," said the Secretary of State to the Minister of Health Christelle Dubos.

  • As a last resort, telework or compensated stop

If the parents cannot find a micro-crèche or a childminder, they can always ask for a paid sick leave. This does not imply, in these times of coronavirus, any waiting period for the employee, and can be taken for a period of fourteen days.

Read also: Coronavirus: work stoppage for parents not always suitable

Parents can also telecommute while looking after their children. But reconciling these two activities on a daily basis is often a challenge.

Source: lefigaro

All life articles on 2020-03-14

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