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Resident Evil 3 review: action instead of horror?


The release of Resident Evil 3 is on April 3rd, 2020 and thus the question arises whether the purchase is worthwhile. The test shows how much horror is still in the game.

The release of Resident Evil 3 is on April 3rd, 2020 and thus the question arises whether the purchase is worthwhile. The test shows how much horror is still in the game.

  • Resident Evil 3 will be released on April 3rd , 2020 for PS4 , PC and Xbox One .
  • The remake incites Nemesis in a contemporary look and playfully new to Jill Valentine.
  • The test for the remake shows whether the horror classic will still work in 2020.

Raccoon City - Capcom achieved incredible results in 2019: With the remake of Resident Evil 2, the developer released a game that located the 20-year-old classic in all respects in the present and basically turned it into a completely new game. Resident Evil 3 is expected to continue its success this year. But even the template should reduce the chance of it.

After the huge success that the remake of Resident Evil 2 celebrated in early 2019, it was actually only a matter of time before Capcom would also offer the third part in a new guise. This is what happened in winter 2019. Unlike RE2, Resident Evil 3 does not just appear as a new edition, but is also given a new game mode: Resident Evil Resistance. * has alluded to both in detail and reveals in the test whether the horror classic also works as a remake .

Resident Evil 3 review: what is the horror classic all about?

The question may sound trivial to some, after all, the Resident Evil series has been one of the largest representatives of the survival horror genre for over 20 years. But it's not that easy with Resident Evil 3 . Why not, we will clarify in detail later. For those who do not know what Resident Evil 3 is and what it is about, here is a brief outline.


Resident Evil 3: The Capcom remake is all about Jill Valentine.

© Capcom

Resident Evil 3 , like its two predecessors, is a survival horror game. The original was released in 1999 or 2000 in Germany and once again lets the player slip into the role of Jill Valentine . The former STARS member had already made acquaintance with the undead in the manor house in Resident Evil 1 and finally ensured that the manor house, including failed experiments, was brought to earth in a huge explosion.

Resident Evil 3 continues the story a few months later. In nearby Raccoon City, Jill is looking for evidence of the machinations of the shady pharmaceutical company Umbrella Corporations, whose research into biological weapons has led to the outbreak of the zombie virus. Unfortunately, the whole city is now infected and craves the meat of the survivors. It is clear that Jill primarily defends the undead's appetite with powerful ballistics.

While the average foot zombie is easy to get out of the way or easy to get around, Jill has another problem. Because Umbrella has a keen interest in keeping its shadow activities secret and has therefore sent a super mutation (no, not Wolverine) to Raccoon City to eliminate the remaining STARS. Not only in the test , the Nemesis constantly chases us - from the beginning.

Resident Evil 3: What makes it different from its predecessors?

The Resident Evil 3 we are talking about was originally planned as a spin-off of the series, i.e. as an offshoot and not as a direct sequel. Because in fact, Resident Evil 3 differs considerably from the two predecessors in some respects. It starts with the fact that Resident Evil 3 can only be experienced through the eyes of Jill Valentine . She is the protagonist of the plot. While RE1 and RE2 each had two characters with different abilities and different narratives, RE3 only offers one variant: that of Jil l. After all, we can drive Carlos through Raccoon City every now and then. The Umbrella employee, like Jill, is about to flee the city and although Jill is not particularly familiar to him at first because of his employer, she has to rely on Carlos several times as the process progresses.


Carlos is also playable for the first time in Capcom's Resident Evil 3 remake.

© Capcom

Also new in Resident Evil 3 is the ability to make ammunition. While the template still required a special tool that occupied its own inventory space, it is sufficient to combine two types of powder with one another in the remake .

Resident Evil 3 is generally more straightforward than Part 1 and 2. We travel faster and rarely spend more than a few minutes in one place. The pace is also down to the reduction in puzzles and puzzles. Of course, here too, switch and combination puzzles constantly slow us down as we escape from Raccoon City . Most of them are so simple, however, that they hardly deserve to be called “puzzles”. Rather, it is a constant running back and forth between switches that have to be operated in the correct order, for example. The puzzles in RE2 have caused a lot more headaches.

Jill Valentine's escape from Raccoon City is fraught with danger. Watch Jill in action in the latest # RE3 trailer! Plus, get a sneak peek at Jill in Resident Evil Resistance, where she'll be added as a Survivor in a future title update.

Full trailer:

- Resident Evil (@RE_Games) March 27, 2020

The biggest noticeable difference that goes with the faster pace is the action. Resident Evil 3 represents the link between RE2 and RE4, which could hardly be further apart in terms of their game mechanics. With RE1 and 2, the horror is still clearly the focus. Capcom wanted to scare his players, frighten them and create a permanent feeling of inferiority and threat. Resident Evil 4, as a restart of the series, relied on fast and dynamic battles. Resident Evil 3 is now in between.

Resident Evil 3: How does it differ from the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis?

Technically, Capcom succeeds with the remake of Resident Evil 3 , which Resident Evil 2 did last year: Audiovisually, Resident Evil 3 is another stunner. It's hard to believe if you compare it to the original from 1999. The acoustics alone weave an atmosphere that is so dense that you want to curl up in it. Unfortunately, the game too often does not live up to what it announces visually and acoustically. Because the mood seems threatened, but it is simply not. The announcement of Lickers, for example, a disgusting monster from part 2, is really great: a shadow scurrying past, plus the typical clacking scratch of his claws. Connoisseurs of the series stop instinctively. Because the beasts are blind and attack by ear, sometimes hanging from the ceiling - really nasty. Unfortunately, the threat builds up because the licker suddenly appears in front of us and we only have to empty a magazine into it. RE2 staged this in a more exciting way.

The 2020 new edition of Resident Evil 3 does everything technically right, but in terms of content, Capcom has deleted a few features. For example, there is only one end left to see. One of the reasons for this is that the decision options that the original introduced in series for the first time have also been deleted without replacement. In RE3 from 1999, the game gave gamers a choice in a few places: When, for example, an earthquake tears a hole under the player and pulls him on the ground, the player can either drop or pull up quickly. The decision influenced the course of the action. There is nothing left of this in the remake . Too bad. The same applies to the previously unlockable mode "Mercenaries": This is also gone.


Resident Evil 3 remake: Capcom decides on a new starting point in the subway.

© Capcom

After all, players can save in the remake at any time, provided they find a typewriter. The remake of part 2 had already abandoned the tradition of storing ribbons that had to be collected first. The production of ammunition is also easier because we can combine the collected powder directly in the inventory and no additional tool is necessary.

Because of the dramaturgy and probably also to increase the pace, Capcom has rearranged the order of the locations. Before we visit the police headquarters known from RE2, the first game hour is about getting the subway going. The constant hunt for us Nemesis, however, thinks little of our plans to leave the city on the subway and - well - of course prevents this. Meanwhile, in the Resident Evil 3 test , we go to the police station as Carlos for the first time to look for evidence of a scientist. The latter has developed an antidote that can be used to stop zombification. But of course someone was faster than us here too. Yes, there is always a brutus.

Resident Evil 3: who is Nemesis?

Let's talk again about the super mutation, the nemesis. Because actually Resident Evil 3 can not be called without throwing “Nemesis” in the same breath. After all, the original even bore the monster in the title. Why Capcom deleted the “Nemesis” from the old title is difficult to answer. In the remake , the nasty giant appears for the first time after just a few minutes. Hardly that we have familiarized ourselves with the controls, the monster is already chasing us through the narrow corridors of the apartment house and laying it in ruins. While the flames whip out of the apartment doors on the left and right, a visibly battered Jill limps away from the monster. The start of RE3 is really strong and sets the mood perfectly. For this alone, it is worth giving RE3 a chance.


Resident Evil 3 (Capcom): The start of the remake is also incredibly atmospheric.

© Capcom

Like the Tyrant from Part 2, Nemesis is an adversary who appears in the game every now and then - especially when it is particularly inappropriate. Unlike the Tyrant, the Nemesis does not rely on its sheer strength and size, but rather opens heavy guns, including a flamethrower.

Resident Evil 3: How do I defeat Nemesis in the remake?

In short: not at all. The ugly monster cannot be killed like the T-1000 - and at least as penetrating. With enough shelling, we force it to its knees for a few seconds at most to gain a few meters. The only way to get rid of the nemesis is to flee. In the course of the game he shows up again and again and gets on our nerves. In doing so, he mutates into increasingly bizarre varieties, which are somehow disgusting, but never really creepy.

At several points in the game there is also a showdown with the persecutor, who in the original was actually nicknamed "Pursuer". How fitting. It is actually absurd that the nemesis keeps dropping off her or loosing sight of her on her hunt for Jill . It is also surprising that Nemesis likes to burst through walls and ceilings, but cannot penetrate safe rooms. That takes the scary moment out of the chases.

Resident Evil 3: how scary is the new edition of Capcom?

To the surprise of many, the answer to the question of how scary the Resident Evil 3 remake actually is is sobering: Basically not. Unless you find zombies scary per se. If the undead are pure horror, you should avoid Resident Evil . Because the resurrected residents of Raccoon City are waiting for the player at every corner, sometimes in large numbers. There are only a handful of jumpscares, Resident Evil 3 was never really terrifying.


The Resident Evil 3 remake by Capcom is scary only in very rare places.

© Capcom

Resident Evil 3 hardly releases the proverbial fear on the neck that characterizes RE2, there are simply too few surprising horror moments for that - great optics and acoustics are of no use. Less scary, but rather disgusting is an early section in the game in which we have to reactivate the electricity for the subway. Unfortunately, the substation is now home to a real disgusting spider or maybe beetle species. These disgusting little critters constantly emerge from nowhere, look repulsive and infect the player with parasites even if they are not carefully taken care of.

Resident Evil 3: How much action is there in the new part from 2020?

One problem that Resident Evil 3 has to create fear is the strong focus on the action. Even on the medium level of difficulty (from the beginning of three), the player almost never suffers from a shortage of ammunition or has to drag himself through corridors and streets. On the one hand, most of the opponents are much too slow, on the other hand, both Jill and Carlos have a dodge or defense movement in the remake : Jill can roll away under attacks and Carlos can simply box the opponents away. If the role or stroke is triggered at the right moment, the player also has the chance of a counterattack. By the way, you should master both at the latest when fighting Nemesis, otherwise the otherwise rather monotonous encounters will quickly and quickly become frustrating.


Resident Evil 3: Action in the foreground, but it rarely gets really demanding.

© Capcom

A look at the arsenal underpins the action-packed aspect of Resident Evil 3 . Jill gets a shotgun and other, much stronger weapons in her hand early in the game. Carlos has been equipped with an assault rifle from the start, with which he can easily mow down several zombies. Once you have finished the game, you also unlock the shop. In this, players can buy additional weapons and bonuses. Provided that they have previously gained enough points through challenges, e.g. killing a certain number of opponents, completing the game under 2 hours or fulfilling other conditions.

The hand grenade has proven to be one of the strongest and best weapons in the game. She makes short work of zombies as well as the otherwise heavily armored hunters. However, the grenades are rare and cannot be manufactured. So it is worth storing them well. Fortunately, neither Jill nor Carlos are harmed by the explosions.

Resident Evil 3: what makes the remake good?

On a technical level, like already RE2, Resident Evil 3 does everything right. How well the RE Engine does its work on PS4 , Xbox One and PC can be read in detail in the test for Resident Evil 2 from *. Resident Evil 3 is also very atmospheric. People like to fight their way through the devastated streets of Raccoon City to experience the - admittedly predictable - end.

However, no passage of seven hours in Resident Evil 3 leads to boredom or the feeling that the game is losing speed. Yes, Nemesis is kind of annoying, but also cool in its own way. It looks wonderfully martial and absurd and even if the battles against it are not very challenging, they are still a lot of fun. Apart from that, the backdrop has always been the star in Resident Evil. In RE1 it was the mansion, in RE2 it was the police station and in RE3 it was Raccoon City itself.

How long does it take to run Resident Evil 3?


In 6-10 hours, the atmospheric haunt of Resident Evil 3 is over.

© Capcom

In the test , it took for Resident Evil 3 about seven hours on the medium level of difficulty. Since the game is much more straightforward than its predecessors, experienced players can easily get through the survival horror trip without getting stuck in puzzles. RE3 hardly contains any tricky passages.

Resident Evil 3: What is the replay value?

When it comes to replay value, a judgment always depends on the player himself. In itself, the replay value is zero, because after playing through it once you saw everything. A trip to Raccoon City is only worthwhile for the trophies and shop rewards. Nevertheless, small innuendos can be discovered in the city from time to time, which should make fans smile, even if there is ultimately no playful reward in the form of objects, collectibles or the like.

Resident Evil: For whom is the Capcom remake worthwhile?

For those who liked to play part 2 and want to know how Capcom continues the plot around Umbrella, the remake of the third part is definitely worth it. Even though Resident Evil 3 was originally planned as an offshoot, it is now a canon and continues to tell the story parallel to that in RE2. Newcomers might want to catch up on Part 2 or even Part 1 before they start working on Resident Evil 3 .


Found the story around the Umbrella Corporation also get their money's worth with the Resident Evil 3 remake.

© Capcom

Because this part is different in many ways and - yes - sometimes weaker. Although the focus has been shifted away from fear in favor of action, at least one run can be recommended to all fans. Simply because Jill Valentine is a really cool and tough protagonist and RE3 - it is and remains a fact - looks and sounds damn good.

Resident Evil 3 review: what is Resident Evil Resistance?

Resident Evil 3 comes without Mercenaries, but with Resident Evil Resistance . Capcom even announced the new multiplayer mode before the remake . Incidentally, the game mode is installed separately. If players are not interested in this or only in multiplayer decoupling, they can omit it or simply do without RE3. Resident Evil 3 Resistance is an asymmetrical multiplayer mode in which four players compete against another. Who thinks of Dead by Daylight now: correct! While the four players control and track their respective figures over their shoulders, as in the main game, the opponent plays himself more strategically.

Using surveillance cameras, he keeps an eye on the four players and throws traps, zombies, etc. in their way to prevent them from reaching the end of the level. There are three stages to be mastered in each level, in which the four have to open and reach a door together. If one is left behind, everyone is game over. If the game mode weren't difficult enough, a countdown would also count down continuously. At zero it means again: You are dead. There is extra time for killing opponents, turning off cameras, and completing tasks.

Welcome to the Casino, another map that will be available in Resident Evil Resistance.

Play your cards right as the Mastermind, or try your luck at beating the house and escaping, as the survivors!

- Resident Evil (@RE_Games) February 13, 2020

Unfortunately, the first few games in Resident Evil Resistance were very uncoordinated, so it was over after a few minutes. The mode lives above all from the fact that you play it with friends to coordinate with each other. This increases the chances of survival considerably. As much as the idea of ​​a multiplayer mode for Resident Evil sounds like a sensible concept, it is ultimately difficult to find Resident Evil Resistance really good. The test at least sharpened the understanding why Capcom does not publish it individually, but as part of RE3. The arcaded touch only partially matches the otherwise eerie, beautiful basic setting of the series.

Resident Evil 3 in the test: conclusion on the remake of Capcom


Resident Evil 3 in the test: Successful remake with weaknesses of the original.

© Ingame

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis was the weakest part of the original trilogy at the time - and still is today. The focus on the action, the streamlined action, the faster pace: All of this ensures that Resident Evil 3 differs playfully from its predecessors. In itself, that's not bad at all. Especially since RE3 depicts a pleasantly strong heroine with Jill Valentine and a no less strong adversary with Nemesis, who annoys but gives a face to evil like no other (apart from Albert Wesker perhaps, who luckily does not play a role here). Nevertheless, RE3 sometimes feels as if Capcom didn't quite know where to put it. Still horror for the niche or action for the masses? History shows which direction Capcom ultimately took - and RE3 was the first step there. One thing must be clear: the action in the remake of RE3 works wonderfully thanks to the new perspective and control. RE2 has already shown that. But many fans of the predecessors and want more scary and less fanfare. And the remake of RE2 showed how both can be married perfectly.



+ Jill Valentine as a strong heroine

- History is only told from one perspective

+ Carlos as a charming sidekick with funny curls

- No more decision options from the original

+ Technically "state of the art"

- Only one (predictable) end

+ Atmospheric backdrop

- Strong focus on action, largely without horror

+ Immersive sound

* is part of the nationwide editorial network of the Ippen-Digital-Zentralredaktion



Rubric list image: © Capcom

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2020-04-01

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