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Today's horoscope, April 11, 2020, of all the zodiac signs


Check your horoscope for today, Saturday April 11. What do the stars have in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope, Saturday April 11 , the Universe moves the Moon to Sagittarius to stimulate you not to repress yourself and to say what you feel in a harmonious and positive way.


The Moon has been going through Sagittarius since yesterday and, being another fire sign like yours, it benefits you by generating calm emotional reactions. This in turn helps you in your relationships with others.

Thus, the harmony in your home is synchronized and everyday situations flow making a good day of living together. Your desire to communicate and organize for when everything starts its normal rhythm increases.

You feel within you that it is a day to think big and activate new projects. Take advantage of this positive vibration and drive your plans, since it is the right time.

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Aries weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Aries monthly horoscope for April
Aries 2020 annual horoscope


The Moon in Sagittarius activates a difficult area of ​​your horoscope because it is related to emotional crises, as well as those feelings of the past that do not let you advance in your new relationships.

Since you are a sign that you enjoy earthly pleasures, you do not like it when you go through moments of emotional instability that are generated by those fears that hold you back and do not allow you to move forward.

Try to relax more, since today by this influence you could see everything more negative than it really is. If today you have to make a sentimental decision, I advise you to let this day pass.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Taurus monthly horoscope for April
Taurus 2020 annual horoscope


When the Moon passes through Sagittarius, your opposite sign, activates the area of ​​your personal relationships. As she is so changeable, where she passes shows a certain instability.

You will notice this influence in that you will be very sensitive, something that is unusual in you and that affects you a lot, both you and each reaction with your friends and without your partner.

At some point you might feel that you want to love them more, have them close and run to see them and be able to hug them, but from one moment to the next you feel that this physical distance is better and reaching moments of bad humor.

I suggest you keep calm and not take everything so personal, because in a few days you will realize that your anger did not make sense.

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Gemini weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Gemini monthly horoscope for April
Gemini 2020 annual horoscope


The Moon passes through Sagittarius and activates the area of ​​your daily routine, your work and your health, making you more sensitive to these issues. As you are a sign characterized by their intense emotionality and currently have work concerns, with this influence your bad reactions can increase and this, in turn, triggers your digestive problems.

Therefore, you should try to stay stable. Remember the different tips given in horoscopes to apply at this time, such as flowering baths, rearranging your house so that the Chi energy circulates and cleaning its dense energies. Today all this will help you to be better.

See also:

Cancer Weekly Horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Cancer's monthly horoscope for April
Cancer Annual Horoscope 2020


When the Moon passes through the Sagittarius sign, it is favoring you because they are compatible signs by sharing the same element. You will notice this influence as soon as you wake up and through a feeling of hope and good humor that makes you start the day with your best smile.

This in turn leads you to infect others with your good mood, reflected by giving a hopeful message when you talk to your future partners for new business. You will be able to flow more and in a better way, because your energy, your thoughts and your feelings move in the same direction.

See also:

Leo's weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Leo's monthly horoscope for April
Leo 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon goes through the Sagittarius sign and this directly affects your emotions and moods. This influence is reflected in you making you feel weaker and more vulnerable to what is happening around you, but since you do not allow yourself to demonstrate what you really feel, even more anguish is unleashed.

You can also go through times when you feel like crying about what is happening and long for your previous lifestyle. In these moments, I recommend that you let yourself be carried away by this sensation; get rid of that feeling and cry what you need. You will see that it will pass faster.

See also:

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Virgo monthly horoscope for April
Virgo 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon from Sagittarius makes you very good influence so that you can see the good and that you take advantage in the midst of what is happening. So, don't waste any more time drawing conclusions about what will happen later.

Make the decision to act now and start doing it with labor issues. If days ago you have not received any notification of your work, make that call and express your wishes to restart your work.

If you do not have a job, update your resume and send it to different places so that when everything restarts, you have already done everything on your part and moved the energies that correspond to you.

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Libra's weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Libra's monthly horoscope for April
Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


The Moon in Sagittarius will be activating the financial area of ​​your horoscope giving you a lot of strength for these days and the drive to improve your income. As the mentioned sign has positive qualities, you will feel a special energy within you so that you can acquire more and better material goods.

For this, it is necessary that you do not get carried away by all the news you hear daily. Get out of those parameters and focus only on your purposes and the activities and companies that work today. Remember that not everyone has stopped working and that you can synchronize with everything that goes on.

See also:

Scorpio weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Scorpio monthly horoscope for April
Scorpio 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon is passing by your sign. When this happens, which is once a month, it signals a new cycle in your individual expression, since everything you feel becomes very important.

So on this day, your emotional reactions are stronger. You can feel more expansively your desire to laugh like crying and your desire to hug like fighting.

Here I recommend not to hold back, but to act in moderation because your emotional excitability is very high and with many mood swings. In addition, you could have, among your opinions, a lot of subjectivity that can cause problems with others.

See also:

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Sagittarius monthly horoscope for April
Sagittarius 2020 annual horoscope


The Moon goes through the Sagittarius sign and activates the area of ​​your horoscope that refers to karma, everything you bring from past lives and your ancestors.

You can have moments of sadness and loneliness that invade you suddenly, because they come from other lives, they generate irrational fears of everything that is happening. You may feel unable to cope with all these events and be extremely affected by isolation measures.

But don't hold back. Express it with those you are living with and you will see that you will feel more relieved and that many of your fears will have disappeared.

See also:

Capricorn weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Capricorn monthly horoscope for April
Capricorn 2020 annual horoscope


On its journey through the sign of Sagittarius, the Moon is getting closer and closer to your sign giving you the need to cultivate more friendship.

Since this prevention process began, you have not communicated with other different people to whom you live, but today you feel that it is important to do so and thus find each other support and protection.

Remember that if you need that today, there is also someone who needs your affection and encouragement. Above all, look for someone who is going through all this alone at home; you will be giving your best help.

See also:

Aquarius weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Aquarius monthly horoscope for April
Aquarius 2020 annual horoscope


Today the Moon today continues its passage through Sagittarius. This influence, being an element not compatible with your sign, does not help you to soften your character, but rather enhances your impulsiveness.

You can feel more irritable, because your mind and heart go different ways. At these times, you should be especially careful with your reactions, because although you should not repress them, it is good that you express them in the best way and check what defects you should change in your zodiac sign.

If you don't succeed, everything you've built so far related to your professional image will fall in seconds.

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Pisces weekly horoscope, April 6-12, 2020
Pisces monthly horoscope for April
Pisces 2020 annual horoscope

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-04-11

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