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Coronavirus: clash between regions. Fontana: 'Staggered openings? The risk is of a lame Italy '


Zaia: 'Close regions? It is South versus North. Put yourself in the shoes of a citizen getting on the train. ' Rossi: 'Prefectures reopen businesses, it's contradiction' (ANSA)

Still quarrel between Regions on the question of reopening and Phase 2.   The governor Attilio Fontana does not believe in the reopening of some regions before the others, especially before Lombardy, even if he refers to what the technicians will say. "The decisions will be made all together on the basis of the assessments of the technicians to protect the health but - I told ANSA - I don't think we can get to that because Italy could remain lame".

On the hypothesis instead that some region decides to close the borders, as the President of Campania Vincenzo De Luca has threatened to do, he limited himself to saying "I hope it has been misinterpreted". 

Fontana then attacks on the requests for commissioner and the political controversies : "I would have thought that there would have been a little more good taste, wait at least until the end of the storm". And he adds: "An attack is underway against us," he added, returning to criticism for what he said about the resolution to put Coronavirus patients in Lazio in the rsa, which he reiterated, "starts from the same ratio as ours: isolating patients Covid ". 

On the RSA then an exchange of accusations is staged between Lombardy and Lazio . A resolution similar to that of Lombardy on the RSAs - the Lombard governor Fontana told Radio Padania: "It had been taken by Lazio. But no objection was made to the governor of Lazio". According to Fontana, "there is an attempt to attack the Lombard organization. There is an attack in my confrontation as a representative of a certain political party. That crossfire is taking place - he added - which has always been done when the government has he was a representative of the center-right. Here in the government there is a representative not of the center-right, but in Lombardy there is a representative of the center-right ".

"Fontana should not allow me to mystify - Lazio's councilor for health Alessio D'Amato replies - Rsa was created exclusively in Lazio for positive patients who according to clinical indications do not require hospitalization. On Monday we will open one entirely publishes in Genzano di Roma ". 

Lunge also of the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia: "If some presidents close the regional borders then they give them autonomy, it is not North against South, it is South against North". 

"Put yourself in the shoes - added Zaia - of a citizen who gets on the train. If the regional borders are closed, they will all be stopped, the Frecciarossa will be stopped, no type of transport will be authorized, what proposal is it? If then there is someone who he wants to preserve a delicate area, with a very high population or with people at risk, it is understandable, but if they say that they close the regional borders they will tell me how to do it. And I - he concluded - have never signed orders to close ".

And even the president of Tuscany goes on the attack: "It is up to the government to decide when to reopen the companies. It is not time . Very well. But there is a great contradiction with the fact that with a simple communication to the prefectures hundreds of thousands of companies without security protocols, which have only been elaborated in a few cases. It is not correct to say one way and then let it happen in another ". The President of the Tuscany Region Enrico Rossi wrote on Facebook.

The governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, also spoke . "It is important that now government and regions, with the scientific community, work together with a common goal: to reopen at the right times, in complete safety - he writes on Fb -. It is possible to do it, without controversy. As decided yesterday in the control room, now the national guidelines on "how" to reopen to allow the Regions to give families and businesses certainties on behaviors and measures to be adopted are needed soon. Another step forward to be taken together as a country system to organize the rebirth ". 

 "It is absolutely too early to start Phase 2 : the numbers, especially in some Regions, are still full of a phase 1 that has yet to end. It is absolutely important not to hurry and continue." Walter Ricciardi of the executive committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) and consultant to the Minister of Health told Sky Tg24

Source: ansa

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