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Deconfinement: here are the first museums to reopen in Ile-de-France


In the Paris region, cultural sites are not all housed in the same boat. Here, department by department, the list of places

The Minister of Culture recalled this in our columns on Saturday: in the Paris region, as everywhere in France, "the reopening of bookstores, record stores, art galleries, libraries, media libraries, certain museums and monuments (is possible) from May 11 ". But in reality, the calendar is very different from one site to another. Here is a small point department by department.

In Paris

The Giacometti Institute, which reopens on May 15, will only offer tours by reservation / LP / Arnaud Dumontier  

It was the first to announce its reopening: the new Illusion Museum , in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, was to welcome the public as of this Monday. Thorough disinfection, production of Plexiglas partitions, installation of multiple non-tactile hydroalcoholic gel dispensers, installation of signage on the ground to allow respect for social distance ... The site has multiplied the arrangements before D-day. Prices and schedules remain the same. (Price: 18 € adult, 12 € child up to 15 years, free under 5 years. Reservations on or at

You will have to wait until Friday May 15 to find the Giacometti Institute (5 rue Victor-Schoelcher, XIVth) and its exhibition "" In search of missing works ", which is extended until June 21. Here too, the visits (initially limited to four days a week) will be made exclusively by reservation. Only 10 people maximum can be accommodated every twenty minutes and distributed in the space. Please note that wearing a mask is compulsory. (Price: € 8.50, € 3 reduced. Free for children under 18 and students until June 21, for residents of the 14th May 15, 16 and 17. Information and reservations on ).

On June 2, certain high places of Parisian culture could also reopen their doors like Marmottan-Monet (XVIth) with its exhibition "Cézanne and the masters. Dream of Italy ”. Ditto for Jacquemart-André (8th) and the watercolors of Turner or for the Atelier des Lumières and his Voyages in the Mediterranean.

The Petit Palais (8th century), the Bourdelle museum (15th century), the Paris Liberation museum (14th century), the Museum of Romantic Life (9th century), the Balzac house (16th century), the Cernuschi museum (16th century) and the Catacombs (XIV) must reopen on Tuesday, June 16 "subject to the agreement of the municipal and prefectural authorities. The conditions of reception of the public and the modalities of the visits will be specified at the beginning of June ”, one specifies to the direction of Paris museums which gathers the 14 museums of the City.

If the museum of modern art in Paris (XVI) and the Cognacq-Jay museum (III) should open again in July, no date is given for the reopening of the Carnavalet museum (IV) whose works suspended mid-March , must resume from this Monday.

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The major national museums (the Louvre, Orsay, the national museum of modern art in the Pompidou center, etc.) will not reopen before mid-July.

In Seine-et-Marne

La Maison du Brie in Meaux has already opened its doors./ LP / Alexandre Arlot  

The Millet museum-workshop in Barbizon reopens this Monday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a closing time between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. The maximum number of visitors will be 10 people. With hourly visits.

The Maison du brie de Meaux (and the Meaux tourist office) reopens this Monday, May 11. Free visit and no tasting.

The Louis Braille museum in Coupvray will reopen its doors in the coming days (date not yet confirmed). With obligatory telephone reservation, wearing of a compulsory mask, limited number of visitors because the birthplace of Louis Braille is small.

The Atelier Rosa-Bonheur museum could reopen by the end of May in Thomery. An audio route is being installed in order to be able to split the groups of 12. There will be an exhibition on the treasures of the attic found during confinement. There are already guest room reservations for July.

The Living Train Museum in Longueville is studying the possibilities of reopening the rotunda of locomotives to individual visitors from Sunday, May 31, on the basis of the high season calendar, that is to say from 10:30 am to 6 pm on Saturdays , Sundays and holidays.

The Pays de Meaux Great War Museum is working on a reopening on June 22.

In the Yvelines

It will be possible to enjoy the Thoiry rhinoceros on safari from May 16. / DR  

The Zooparc de Thoiry announced on Monday that it would reopen its safari (part of the park reserved for cars) on May 16 and 17. “This 8-kilometer journey by car will allow us to observe the animals in the reserve in total freedom; rhinos, ostriches, giraffes, wolf zebras or bears. This one hour visit to the side of the animals, which will be done only by car without getting out of his vehicle, thus reducing all contact between people, is a first step of deconfinement and a real opportunity of pleasure for families in the region! "Announces the management. Depending on this test, the safari could be accessible immediately afterwards.

Exhibition at Clairefontaine. The artists' association Helium will propose the reopening of its collective exhibition (painting, photography, sculpture, engraving, video, etc.) on May 16 and 17 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (free entry) at La Chapelle, in Clairefontaine, only on reservation on the website. These visits will be limited to ten people at a time.

In Poissy, the toy museum reopens this Wednesday, May 13. Due to health regulations, however, the entrances will be filtered: there will only be ten people inside and visitors will have to wear a mask to come and discover the 14,000 objects dating, some of them from the 19th century, displayed on the 370 m2 of the site: porcelain dolls, toy soldiers or wooden toys.

For security reasons, the play areas and digital consultation terminals are condemned for at least the next 2 months. The establishment, which is located in one of the buildings of the royal priory, dating from the 14th century, receives around 20,000 visitors per year. (Wednesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 1, rue de l'Enclos-de-l'Abbaye. Rates of 5 at € 7. Information on

In Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, the museum of inland waterways and waterways reopens this Wednesday, May 13. Only individual visits are accepted. The public discovers the history of mariners, models or even objects and navigation equipment. The establishment is located in the Gévelot castle, on the heights of the city. (Open Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., Wednesday and Friday from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Information on Rates from 2 to € 5.)

In Essonne

The Salis de Cerny flying museum will not be open until afternoon./ LP / Arnaud Journois  

The French museum of photography of Bièvres also welcomes visitors from this Monday by respecting all the barrier gestures of setting during this deconfinement.

The intercommunal museum of Etampes, known for its 19th century sculptures but also its archaeological remains and historical documents, can be visited by appointment.

The flying museum Salis de Cerny devoted to aviation is also unconventional. "We will have a short film showing the measures taken," we are told over the phone. At first, it will only be open in the afternoons.

The Foujita House-workshop , in Villiers-le-Bâcle, should open from May 30, for visits by appointment (reservation of slots from next week).

In the Hauts-de-Seine

The Museum of the Playing Card in Issy will have an arrowed path to facilitate the arrival of visitors./ LP / Anthony Lieures  

In the Hauts-de-Seine, the Playing Card museum will be the first to reopen, Wednesday 13 May, according to the usual hours. A signposted route will manage the flow of traffic and all visitors will be given a mask (while stocks last). For the occasion, the entry ticket will be free. In addition to the thousands of playing cards from around the world, the museum presents a temporary exhibition around fortune-telling to explore until June 7.

A little later, the Musée des Avelines (Saint-Cloud art and history museum) will open its doors on June 3. Here, the discovery of Saint-Cloud porcelain, works of local artists and those of Eugène Carrière are almost a pretext to stroll in the magnificent gardens of this villa of the 1930s, just as superb.

Note that all the departmental museums remain closed until further notice.

In Seine-Saint-Denis

The Micro-Folie in Noisy-le-Sec risks being closed for several more weeks./ LP / Sophie Bordier  

The vast majority of museums in the department remain closed for the time being. This is the case, for example, of the Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget, whose reopening will not take place “before the beginning of June”, or the Museum of Art and History in Saint- Denis.

In Noisy-le-Sec, Micro-Folie reminds that it will be hard to reopen before the virus disappears, and for good reason: this digital museum forces visitors to use… touch tablets, and therefore to touch objects used by others before oneself.

One of the rare structures to announce good news is in Aubervilliers: the Capa, center of plastic arts , relaunches an exhibition stopped just before the start of confinement: "La Vie Silencieuse". Its opening had taken place ... on March 13. Monday, the visits resumed but within a very strict framework: they are made only by appointment by email (, and the groups must not exceed three people with wearing of compulsory mask and barrier gestures to respect. At the entrance, hydroalcoholic gel will be available and the visit is limited to 25 minutes.

Still no reopening in sight for departmental parks and, therefore, few museums to get their teeth into? Seine-Saint-Denis is full of landscaped, urban and cultural walks. Here are five routes chosen with Louis-Pierre Samain, creator of the company ancRHage, responsible for demystifying the suburbs for the employees of companies settling there. By bike, on foot, by transport… let yourself be guided.

In the Val-de-Marne

The Château de Vincennes could reopen in mid-June./LP/Denis Courtine  

In Vincennes, the castle is closed, like all the other national monuments. If the Henri II exhibition scheduled for May, in the Sainte-Chapelle is pending, the administrator of the castle, like those of other national monuments, are working on a reopening plan, and begin to install the compulsory sanitary elements, the messages visuals, hydroalcoholic gels, distant courses. "And if all goes well, the opening will be on June 15," we hope at the castle.

In Fresnes, at the Val de Bièvre eco-museum , we are working with the teams on the conditions for reopening. This Tuesday, they are validated at a conference of mayors of the territory, as for the media libraries. The agents will be on site from next week; the opening is planned for the end of the month.

In Maisons-Alfort, the local history museum remains closed since it forms a common entrance with the Farm and its green spaces, which, according to the town hall, is a difficulty for welcoming groups. "We are waiting, we will see within 15 days if we adjust", concludes Mayor LR Olivier Capitanio.

In Champigny, the National Resistance Museum (MNR) remains closed until further notice. The team and volunteers, who have just installed the collections in new premises, take advantage of this time to complete the installations and the scenography of the new museum. They remain active on social networks in particular, to share, for example, tributes to the Resistance members who disappear.

In Périgny, the Dubuffet Foundation is in full discussion to reopen the Closerie Falbala to the public but has not yet given a reopening date.

In Boissy-Saint-Léger, the Trotting Museum, which can be visited with the chateau at the Grosbois estate, prefers, according to the estate manager, "to wait to see how the other museums are doing in order to draw inspiration from their system. "Christophe Walazyc adds:" It is a very small museum, the rooms of the castle are also very small, the distance is difficult to manage. Our priority is the resumption of training races. "

In Nogent, the artists 'house , because it adjoins the Ehpad of the artists' foundation, is closed until further notice under the Blue Plan.

In Bry-sur-Marne, the city services are working to organize the reopening of the Adrien-Mentienne local history museum ; however no date has yet been advanced.

In Vitry, the Mac Val remains closed. It could open in late May, early June, with the same pre-containment exhibits.

In the Val-d'Oise

Villa Daumier will be accessible again this weekend ./LP/Olivier Boitet  

The Moulin de la Naze in Valmondois will once again welcome the public this Saturday, May 16. The painter André Sallon is exhibiting there at the moment. It is open Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Villa Daumier in Valmondois reopens from this Saturday 15, continuing its exhibition "Terre" by Ivana Gaiytch. Open Saturday and Sunday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., free.

The art hangar in Magny-en-Vexin reopens its doors this Friday, May 15. This art gallery located in the middle of the fields extends its Pop and street art exhibition, meeting from Friday to Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm, free entry.

The Archéa museum in Louvres is mobilizing to find its public as quickly as possible, in the coming weeks probably.

The departmental archaeological museum of Vexin in Guiry-en-Vexin and the tool museum of Wy-dit-Joli-Village will welcome the public again, probably by the end of the month. Their experience will then guide the reopening, for example, of the château d'Auvers-sur-Oise and the house of Dr Gachet.

In the Oise

The lace museum in Chantilly is still closed until further notice./ LP / Florian Niget  

Mudo at Beauvais, Memorial for internment and deportation at Compiègne, Chantilly lace museum ... How many will be reopening this Monday? For the moment, no exhaustive list of these “small museums” has yet been drawn up by the Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs. "It will determine the list of museums authorized to reopen and it will be they who will decide," confirms the prefect of Oise, Louis Le Franc. In any case, the recovery promises to be very gradual. Departmental overview to discover here.

Source: leparis

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