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Laundry should not be dried in the apartment - these are dangerous


Laundry must be hung up without a dryer. You should not do this in the apartment, there is a risk to health.

Laundry must be hung up without a dryer. You should not do this in the apartment, there is a risk to health.

  • In many households , people are forced to dry their laundry in the home .
  • However, drying clothes indoors brings problems - and even health risks.
  • With a few basics and a few simple tricks, you can save yourself a lot of stress when drying clothes.

Offenbach - 250 euros, 380 euros or 500 euros: Tumble dryers are not cheap and often consume a lot of electricity. When the washing machine beeps , many households only have one thing to do with their freshly washed clothes : Put them on the drying rack to dry . But if you don't own a balcony, terrace or cellar, you face a dilemma: Drying your laundry in your apartment is not only space-consuming, it can also be expensive if things go wrong - and in case of doubt even dangerous for your own Health . Those who don't take precautions should think twice. So there are a few things to consider, especially as a tenant.

Drying laundry in the apartment: humidity is the main problem


You can't just hang up laundry in your apartment. That can be dangerous.

© Christin Klose

The main problem is quickly explained: " Humidity " is the bad word. There is about two liters of water in a full laundry basket. When drying , the laundry releases its moisture into the room air. The humidity in the apartment then increases by an average of 30 percent. If you don't pay attention, you can quickly see the consequences on the walls. Suddenly black spots creep out from behind the furniture and in the corners. A clear case: it is mold .

The spores of the fungus are poisonous, can cause respiratory problems , cause allergies and in the long run even lead to asthma . In addition to these health hazards, damp, dirty walls are also a thorn in the side of potential landlords. They cannot legally prohibit their tenants from drying laundry in the apartment . But if the moisture causes damage, the polluter has to pay for it. Professional mold removal often costs more than 1000 euros. If extensive renovations are necessary, it becomes even more expensive.

The #FGK updated Status Report 8 with questions and answers on #Room air humidity in good time for the beginning of the #heating period.

To the status report:

To the press release: #Luftfeuchte # MF40

- FGK (@FGK_eV) October 8, 2019

Drying laundry in the apartment: that's easy

Such points of contention can easily be avoided with little effort. If you want to dry your freshly washed laundry in your apartment , you simply have to follow a few simple basics - and with a few tricks you can make life easier.

  • The key to laundry to dry in the apartment : Regularly airing, so that the moist air can escape to the outside. In summer you can leave your laundry by the open window, otherwise it is advisable to ventilate regularly for ten minutes. A draft thanks to open doors or windows - also in other rooms - helps. Simply tilting the window is of little use: the air does not exchange effectively.
  • Preparation is everything. This also applies to a simple process like drying clothes . Tenants should clarify the issue with their landlord in advance . Perhaps he or she has already had experience with it - or even has a storage room that has not yet been used?
  • Also, before the first wash , it doesn't hurt to know what the level of humidity is in your home . This can be measured with a hygrometer, which can be bought online or in the drugstore for a good 15 euros. This can be used to test how the humidity has changed once the laundry is hanging.
  • If the type of laundry allows it, it is advisable to set the washing machine to the highest possible spin speed. This means that the clothes arrive less dripping on the drying rack and ultimately release less moisture into the air.
  • Choosing the right room in the apartment is crucial: one or more windows are virtually indispensable. A little-used space is ideal, but the bathroom does too, as it is designed for moisture . However, where there is a shower, the laundry also dries more slowly. The bedroom is usually not ideal because of the low temperatures, there are too many smells in the kitchen, there is often a lot going on in the living area and the laundry is in the way.
  • If you can, leave enough space between the clothes when hanging up the drying laundry . This way the air circulates better. Additional tip: If you hang shirts or blouses on hangers, you save a few centimeters.

Drying laundry in the apartment: Dehumidifiers can help with moisture

If you follow these tips, you should n't have any problems drying your laundry in your home . However, if the air remains wet and stuffy despite everything, a dehumidifier may help . The electronic version is often only available from 100 euros upwards, but the simple version with granules is available on the drugstore shelf for less than ten euros. Both are cheaper than a tumble dryer - and you save yourself absurd errors when drying clothes . On top of that, there is no risk of damage to health.

Washing the bed linen is also often not as easy as expected - you have to pay attention to a few things when it comes to the detergent and the washing program. ( ag )

List of rubric lists: © Christin Klose

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2020-08-15

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