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How to water incorrectly: Tips to prevent mistakes in plant care


Plants need a lot of care - especially in summer. The right amount of water is not only important in the garden. Wrong watering has consequences.

Plants need a lot of care - especially in summer. The right amount of water is not only important in the garden. Wrong watering has consequences.

  • Water is simply part of the maintenance of plants .
  • The right amount is not only important in the garden .
  • This is how casting becomes an art for many.

Kassel - Plants need the right care not just in summer , but throughout the year . It doesn't matter whether in the garden or in the winter garden. Watering in particular is often underestimated by many hobby plant lovers.

Plant care: In the garden, the vegetable patch needs 14 liters of water per week

When you have a garden , it is a matter close to the heart for many people to plant their own food there. Proper care of the plants in the vegetable patch is particularly important here. Because in the end these should also taste good.

Watering and the amount of water used play an elementary role. The Bavarian Garden Academy has published some tips to ensure that nothing goes wrong here. Accordingly, you should water a vegetable patch with 14 liters per week.

Plant care Care in the garden: watering time is decisive

If you want to water your plants properly in the garden , you should pay attention to the right time. Only then is adequate care guaranteed. According to the Federal Association of Retail Gardeners, the best time to water is in the early morning hours. In the midday heat, the water evaporates too quickly, which is why, according to the association, watering at this time is a pure waste of water.


Watering is an essential part of caring for plants

© Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

The best time to water is around 3 a.m. The weather website takes a similar view, on their website they give the best time between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. The Federal Association of Retail Gardeners also advises that you water less and more intensively. That should lead to longer roots. Since very few people want to get up at this time, electronic helpers can do the work.

Take care when caring for plants: mold can not only be a problem in the garden

Not only in the house, but also in the garden one has to struggle with mold again and again : with the right care , however, you can protect the plants from it. Indoor plants in particular are often affected by mold infestation - one reason for this can be waterlogging. The Internet advisor Gartentipps has put together six tips on the subject of mold on plants:

  • Repotting:
    Plants should be cleaned of mold-infested soil and then repotted in fresh soil
  • Drying:
    Waterlogging is a common cause of mold - this should be drained and the plant should be dried off.
  • Loosening:
    Soil infested with mold should be loosened. This makes sense because it allows the earth to dry out a little.
  • Cleaning:
    The spores that lead to mold can also be in the pot itself. That is why pots should always be cleaned well.
  • Minerals:
    A permanent remedy against mold is the addition of minerals. Here, for example, clay granules are mixed into the potting soil.
  • Oils:
    To get the mold under control, you can also try adding essential oils. Gardening tips recommend tea tree oil here.

Sprinkler systems are often used for watering, especially in larger garden systems. But fungal diseases are favored by the (standing) water on the leaves.

Care in the garden: The lawn also needs to be cared for

In the garden most of the area is often associated with lawn covered. In addition to flowers, herbs and other plants, this also needs the right care . The lawn should therefore be adequately watered, especially on hot summer days. And that also after rain showers - because the water often evaporates very quickly after these.

So everything is poured correctly # pour # water # garden # summer garden # watering can

- Gartenzauber (@ Gartenzauber1) July 7, 2015

In summer you should also leave the trimmings of the cut lawn as mulch. This allows the lawn to draw and hold moisture a little longer.

Care not only in the garden: plants also need the right amount of water indoors

Not only do the plants in the garden need the right care : indoor plants also need to be watered properly. You have to make sure that you pour this as needed. According to the magazine “My beautiful garden”, indoor plants can be roughly divided into three categories of needs. These are the categories and how to deal with them appropriately:

Much water requirement Water every two to three days
Moderate water requirement Water once a week
Little water requirement These even survive brief dehydration

You can find out how much water your plant needs in various guides, on the Internet or in your trusted specialist retailer. For example, cacti belong to the category with little need for water .

Plants in the garden: This planting concept is particularly easy to care for

A garden can take up a lot of time due to the necessary care of the plants *. With this planting concept, you have an easy-care garden.

In summer, many enjoy working in the garden *. But be careful, you should better refrain from mowing the lawn when it is too dry. (luc) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network

List of rubric lists: © Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2020-08-30

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