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Santa Fe: a young man recovered from coronavirus denounced that he was not allowed to donate plasma for being gay


It is about Mariano Ivaldi, who related what happened on social networks. It happened in Granadero Baigorria.

08/30/2020 - 15:41

  • Clarí
  • Society

A young man reported this Saturday that a doctor prevented him from donating plasma , after recovering from the coronavirus, because he is homosexual. It happened in Granadero Baigorria , in Santa Fe, and its story was made known through social networks.

The person who suffered the act of discrimination is Emiliano Ivaldi , a 29-year-old man who often donates blood. This time he wanted to do the same, after overcoming Covid-19, and they did not let him. His story generated outrage in the networks, especially because of the argument given by the doctor who treated him.

"I have been discharged from coronavirus since August 10. I consulted 0800 to donate plasma and I volunteered. They referred me to the hemotherapy center in Rosario. There they got me a turn at Eva Perón because of my proximity to my house," Emiliano began in his story.

There he said that once he arrived at the hospital he submitted to the usual admission form to be able to donate blood. "In the interview they ask you if you had unprotected relationships, if you shared a syringe. And one of the questions that is about the end and is of great debate, is if you had relationships with another man in the same year," she. said.

See this post on Instagram

I would like you to see it to the end 🙏 It's long, I know! Discrimination based on sexual orientation remains a common practice for many dinosaurs. Even when? This time it was in my own flesh 😔 I choose to tell it because I do not want to repeat it, and I choose to upload it because if I have the possibility of achieving some change, I want to do it 🙏 Can you help me share it? 🙏

A post shared by Emi Ivaldi (@emilianoivaldi) on Aug 28, 2020 at 1:12 PDT

"I tell him that I have been a boyfriend for four years and he puts the pen aside and makes a gesture and begins to explain that in reality it had not to do with a discriminatory issue but with a risk scale that could represent my blood because sexual practices are very different, "he said.

It was then that Emiliano began a debate with the doctor who also did not give his arm to twist: "I could not tell him anything, he kept explaining his theory of the window period , which while investigating I found that it is a formula that no longer exists, it is impossible that it ask why the law was changed. That question no longer exists because it has a tremendous discriminatory accent, loaded with prejudices. "

And he revealed that the doctor apologized and asked him "not to take it the wrong way."

Emiliano Ivaldi, the young man who was not allowed to donate plasma for being gay. Instagram photos.

"A lot of phrases and insults came to mind that are still used today. Sometimes we say 'well, it's not as much as before', but that this kind of thing continues to happen today. I felt rejected, discriminated against , dirty ", remarked, indignant.

Ivaldi also said that he has been "10 years doing blood donation processes" since he donates "three times a year" and that he has already gone through a similar situation.

"That today I have to find myself in the same situation that I found myself in 2011, it destroyed me," he was sincere.

For his part, he said that he related what happened because he did not want "it to happen to anyone" and assured that he felt "a mixture of anguish and impotence" and "a lot of anger." He even stated that "that rejection that it generates, that emphasizes sexual orientation practices, makes you reject yourself ."

Later, in dialogue with TN , he added that when he left the office he returned "crying" to his house, "in silence" and that he called his mother "seeking comfort."

Emiliano Ivaldi, the young man who was not allowed to donate plasma for being gay. Instagram photos.

Despite everything, he did not want to give the name of the doctor who discriminated against him, although he revealed that from the hospital they called him to tell him that they do not agree with the professional's statements and that they had already identified the man in question.

"They apologized to me and assured me that they do not share the criteria . They encouraged me to continue donating," he concluded.


Source: clarin

All life articles on 2020-08-30

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