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"Koh-Lanta": the reds, led by Bertrand-Kamal, regain the upper hand


The red team won against the yellow this Friday evening in the TF1 game "Koh-Lanta: the 4 Lands". The Gersois Aubin has left

"Everyone feels better this morning," comments, smiling, Bertrand-Kamal after the elimination of strategist Adrien during the previous council.

In the episode of "Koh-Lanta: the 4 Lands" this Friday evening, the reds are relieved and it shows.

Conversely, the yellows tire and the leadership of their captain Alix falters.

We take a look back at the adventures of these last trials which augur a change of course.

First, candidates start with that of comfort.

Each group must carry 3.5 kg bags at arm's length.

One by one, the members leave their team, leaving the package to their teammates.

And if one of them lets go, the tribe takes a cold shower.

"The shower seals your defeat", insists Denis Brogniart.

But the reward makes more than one dream: a call to their families.


"Koh-Lanta": death of Bertrand-Kamal, adventurer of the 2020 season

To give a taste, the voices of relatives are broadcast before the start of hostilities.

Angelique cries upon hearing the words of her adoptive mother.

Even Captain Alix lets out a few tears.

We learn in passing that Lola is nicknamed ... "little sausage" by her family.

"My father always called me like that, so I am proud to call myself

little sausage

", cowardly, always so sparkling, the candidate Berckoise.

After the emotion, it's time for serious things.

Among the yellows, Alexandra, amazing as always, surpasses herself.

But strangely, the competitive Hadja comes out quickly among the reds.

And Bertrand-Kamal, loaded with three bags, ended up accidentally dropping one.

How it hurts the disappointment of Joaquina who regrets not talking to her three boys!

"A somewhat selfish reaction"

But Denis Brogniart wonders: why did Hadja come out so quickly?

“I found it painful to talk to my family, so I preferred not to have a phone call,” replies the professional sportswoman under the surprised gaze of her teammates.

What the host retorts that it is "a somewhat selfish reaction".

A choice that disturbs even the luminous Bertrand-Kamal.

“I can understand that she didn't want to hear from her family.

Conversely, mine was my energy engine.

My dad is my life coach.

This ordeal was for him, ”he explains, moved.

However, no one dares to make the slightest remark to the bubbling handball player on the camp.

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The yellows therefore benefit from telephone conversations.

"I'm so hungry that I dream of you forgetting my order at the chip shop," Lola tells her mother cheerfully.

Next comes the immunity test.

Candidates must roll in the mud in order to bring as much as possible on their body to fill buckets.

When one is full, two players aim for a target.

Objective: to drop a weather vane.

Some tight shots make it uncomfortable

The long hair of some adventurers, including that of Bertrand-Kamal, helps to collect the mud.

Dorian and Ava serve as a "human vessel".

However, during this funny race, some tight shots on the breasts of these ladies with hands to pour the mud make it a bit uncomfortable ...

On the shooting side, Alix and Aubin face Hadja and Brice.

The handball player is clearly in her element.

But his cries of joy when Alix misses his target put the nerves of the captain of the yellow ... so that they lose, a first since the formation of the teams.

With the approach of the council, time is with the mistrust among the yellow ones.

Alix tries to keep the leadership and save Aubin, his former teammate from the North.

His strategy to eliminate Jody goes back to the ears of the latter.

During the council, Dorian, close to Jody, launches: “I do not see Alix as a captain and if I see a test for me, I will not hesitate to say it.

“After a close vote, the Gersois Aubin finally left the adventure, under the dismayed air of the captain of the yellow.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2020-10-02

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