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Sala, as a citizen, I do not feel protected by Gallera


"From Gallera I do not feel protected as a Lombard citizen in his role": the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala said this when speaking of the controversy over the availability of flu vaccines between Palazzo Marino and the Region. (HANDLE)

"From Gallera I do not feel protected as a Lombard citizen in his role": the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala said this when speaking of the controversy over the availability of flu vaccines between Palazzo Marino and the Region.

"Gallera's claims are bordering on ridicule, indeed they are ridiculous - he added -. He is made by someone who has been involved in politics without anyone noticing it for many years, when he had media visibility he thought of applying to do the mayor in the midst of a pandemic ".

On the subject of anti-flu vaccines "let's go to the substance, and I would like them to refute my assertion, that is, that at this moment the Lombard health system is telling the doctors of the contracted private sector that they must make do".

"Please refute my statement, because if so, I would remind them that we called them heroes only a few months ago and now we tell them to make do with the vaccines. Then let's go and see how they did the races, let's go and see the deserted races for the vaccines, that something is absolutely wrong - added Sala -. So we are not doing politics, if I wanted to campaign, I would have already re-nominated. The theme is that we are thinking about the health of the Lombards and the situation must remain under control".


There is a clash over the flu vaccines between the Municipality of Milan and the Lombardy Region.

The accusation was launched by the deputy mayor and councilor for security, Anna Scavuzzo, who announced on her Facebook page that "the Lombardy Region does not give vaccines to the Municipality of Milan".

His indignation was triggered by an e-mail in which the Municipality was specified that no vaccine doses will be available for fragile "extra-category conventions", in this case for thousands of employees of the Municipality as the administration had requested.

The invitation to Palazzo Marino is "if it has any preliminary agreement with another private structure to proceed in this direction".

In the long post of the indictment, the deputy mayor spoke of the "turnaround of the Region that forces the Municipality to go on the private market in October: we had known before that it was suffering and it would not have been able, as agreed, to guarantee an extra supply of 3000 doses, maximum 5000, for the employees of the Municipality, we would have immediately decided otherwise ".

The Lombard councilor for welfare, Giulio Gallera, called into question by Scavuzzo, replied to the accusations.

"It is sad that the deputy mayor bend her institutional position to an unjustified and instrumental controversy" because the Region "will cover for free" with the vaccine, as all the others do, "the target groups of the population" established by the Ministry of Health.

Furthermore, the Region has purchased "80% of the doses more than last year which will allow us to vaccinate fragile people in good time" and those who need the vaccine, while for other citizens "the supply problem is national" .

"I hope - continued Gallera - that this attitude of the deputy mayor is not the sign of the electoral campaign for Milan", where we vote next year.

The institutional clash brought with it the political controversies with the League that accused the Municipality of "spreading fake news", as the party leader in the Regional Council wrote, Roberto Anelli, and the Pd who, with the MEP Francesco Majorino , spoke of how "while the public system is slow due to Fontana's fault, the private system organizes itself and does its business".

Source: ansa

All news articles on 2020-10-04

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