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Why do transition seasons destroy our skin and what do we do with it - Walla! health


For months we have all been dreaming of autumn, and fortunately it has finally arrived. But along with cool winds, this magical season also brings with it some problems, especially for our skin. Paula Blick-Dayan, an expert in natural medicine and advanced cosmetics, explains how to get through this fall with healthy skin

  • health

  • Beauty and grooming

  • Skin and cosmetics

Why menopause destroys our skin and what to do with it

For months we have all been dreaming of autumn, and fortunately it has finally arrived.

But along with cool winds, this magical season also brings with it some problems, especially for our skin.

Paula Blick-Dayan, an expert in natural medicine and advanced cosmetics, explains how to get through this fall with healthy skin


  • dry skin

  • Transition season

  • dryness

  • Fall



Monday, 19 October 2020, 10:32

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Let in moisture.

Woman applying cream (Photo: Giphy)

If you too have been feeling in recent days that your skin is more irritated, tired, prone to itching, itching or redness, it is likely that the change of seasons is affecting you as well.

The transition season is the hardest for our skin, which tends to respond to any change in the environment.

And it's even harder this year with the corona mask attached to our facial skin for many hours.

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To the full article

True, we have been in the Corona routine for over half a year and spend long hours between four walls, but the effects of the environment and the change of seasons give their signals on the face of each and every one of us.

The changes in weather and the transition from warmer days to cooler days directly affect our moisture level, resulting in the skin looking tired and lacking in radiance, elasticity and radiance.

Think about it: one day there is a summer heat here saturated with moisture, and the next day coolness and dryness in the air.

It drives our skin crazy.

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The effect of transition seasons on the skin varies from person to person - some will feel dryness that will be expressed only in the lip area and a little in the face area, others on the other hand will develop itching (bothersome), acne and even intense redness on the skin.

All of these changes are caused by moisture instability that impairs the rate of cell regeneration.

Therefore, in the transition seasons, great emphasis should be placed on the care of the body and face, in order to balance its function and maintain it.

Here are some tips from Paula Blick Dayan, an expert in natural medicine and advanced cosmetics, that will help you get through this fall with healthy skin:

1. Facial

Cleansing Facial cleansing is an important part of maintaining the skin in all seasons.

It is important to remove dirt, dust and makeup residue daily.

The cleaner the face, the better the skin is willing to absorb moisturizing ingredients.

In menopause, gentle cleansers with a fine and not coarse-grained texture should be used, so as not to irritate the skin and prevent as much dryness as possible.

2. Such a serum

, due to a change in the moisture level, the skin tends to dry out, so it needs nourishment.

Using a serum nourishes the skin as it penetrates the deep layers and its components prevent dryness and aging of the skin.

Another benefit of using the serum is the preparation of the skin for better absorption of moisturizer.

Do not give up on it.

Woman cleans her face (Photo: ShutterStock)

3. Exfoliation

Removing dead cells from the facial skin surface reveals fresh and healthy skin, and keeping the skin clean contributes to the process of maintaining elasticity by better absorption of nutrients.

The facial skin should be cleansed with a gentle peel between once and twice a week.

The peeling should be at a gentle gargling level to prevent injuries to the skin area.

4. Creams and nutrients for day and night

In the transition seasons, emphasis should be placed on good nourishment of the skin with rich ingredients - from moisturizer for day and night to nourishing masks that give the skin a fresh and healthy look.

It is advisable to separate the different facial areas such as: eyes, lips, neck and face, and enter each area according to the ingredients intended for it.

The process of cell regeneration happens during the night we sleep, so a good evening should clean the face and apply a night moisturizer characterized by a richer texture and with active ingredients.

5. Sunscreen

In the transition seasons there is a tendency to think that the sun's rays are caressing and pleasant.

But even warm and caressing rays are fraught with danger and damage to the skin.

Therefore, sunscreens should be used - on "normal" days you can make do with a day moisturizer with SPF 15, and on days when you know you will be in the sun a lot you need a sun protection factor with SPF 30 or higher.

Light skin requires a sunscreen with a higher SPF.

Always important.

Water (Photo: Giphy)


Water Water contributes to the metabolism and helps us maintain a vital, young and shiny appearance.

Drinking enough water (at least 12 glasses a day) retains moisture in the body, and this is also reflected in the appearance of the skin.

7. Foods that contain antioxidants / antioxidants

Antioxidants help the skin deal with environmental damage and radiation and prevent the aging process.

Eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as green vegetables, fish and red fruits, helps the body deal with environmental damage.

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Source: walla

All life articles on 2020-10-19

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