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Coronavirus: While praising the Russian vaccine, the Government signed the first contract with AstraZeneca


There will be 22 million doses to be delivered in the first half of next year.Adriana santagati 11/07/2020 3:17 PM Clarí Society Updated 11/07/2020 3:22 PM President Alberto Fernández was effusive in his speech this Friday, in which he announced the move from ASPO to DISPO in the metropolitan area, on the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, of which the Argentine government will buy 20 million doses. At one point in the speech, he also mentioned the 750,000 doses of the Ameri

Adriana santagati

11/07/2020 3:17 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 11/07/2020 3:22 PM

President Alberto Fernández was effusive in his speech this Friday, in which he announced the move from ASPO to DISPO in the metropolitan area, on the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, of which the Argentine government will buy 20 million doses.

At one point in the speech, he also mentioned the 750,000 doses of the American Pfizer and AstraZeneca.

What Alberto did not communicate is that hours before the agreement had been signed with the US laboratory, the first to be closed by the Argentine government for the provision of vaccines.

At midnight on Friday, in the Official Gazette the promulgation of the vaccine law was published, questioned by the opposition for establishing rules that could benefit pharmaceutical companies.

This legal tool was essential for the Government to start signing the pre-purchase agreements, as Clarín had anticipated last week.

The first and only one that has been closed so far is AstraZeneca, which will be for 22 million doses, the company reported in a press release.

"Deliveries are expected to begin during the first half of 2021, in the event that the ongoing trials are successful and after the corresponding approval by the regulatory authorities," he says.

This authorization process already began in the ANMAT on October 5.  

The AstraZeneca vaccine is the only one of those that are in dance with which there will be technology transfer to produce it in Argentina, through the mAbxience laboratory of the Insud group, which will make the active principle in Garín and then it will be finished in the Liomont laboratory of Mexico.

When that agreement was closed in August, Alberto himself announced it, so it is striking that he did not mention the firm in Friday's announcement.

"The agreement with Russia gives us great peace of mind because it allows us to think that we can count on the vaccine soon," said Fernández.

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Source: clarin

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