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Anthony Daniels: "I'd love to play C-3PO in The Mandalorian series"


INTERVIEW - The British actor who has played the golden robot from the Star Wars saga since 1977 answered the Figaro's questions on the occasion of the release of a Christmas episode of Lego Star Wars Happy Holidays, broadcast on Disney + since the 16th November.

In 1978, George Lucas was persuaded to direct an episode of

Star Wars

broadcast specially for Christmas on CBS television.

This disastrous experiment carried out by Steve Binder (distributed in France under the title

Au temps de la guerre des étoiles)

subsequently became a sort of cult TV movie, joyfully out of date, catastrophically funny, and which is still circulating on the Web.

Some fans idolize it as a burst of old-fashioned humor and improvisation.

The original

Star Wars Holiday special


, which aired in 1978 for the Christmas holidays on CBS.

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It is in this slightly irreverent and gently rowdy spirit that the craftsmen of the

Lego Star Wars

children's franchise

have decided to shoot this schoolboy sequel, both seen as a pastiche of the original, but above all as the pretext for a wacky and funny medium-length film, which will delight children (and older children) when the end of the year holidays are announced.

To read also: Anthony Daniels: "The role of C-3PO spoiled my life a bit"

At 74 Spring, comedian Anthony Daniels once again responded to C3-PO's call that he doubled down in this

Lego Star Wars


with great joy and enthusiasm.

While his book of memories has just been published in France

Je Suis C-3PO The memories do not erase

(published by Fantask) He answers the Figaro's questions on the occasion of the broadcast of this film on Disney + since November 16 .


- Do you believe that the golden robot from

Star Wars

C3-PO will go down in cinema history with the original robot image from which it was inspired in

Fritz Lang's




Anthony DANIELS -


I sincerely believe it.

Because like Eva, the android of Metropolis, C-3PO has become an iconic character.

During the shooting of the first film, while heading towards the set to shoot my scene, I remember that I used to say to the crew:

“Be careful, get out of my way!

Let the icon pass. "

Of course, people were laughing.

However, after 43 years, I think C-3PO has become an icon.

This character will survive me.

He will outlive us all.

Because today, on the Web and on social networks, his image exists as much as that of the robot from



I'm very proud of him because I have a lot of respect for him.

Given the great success of the

Star Wars

spinoff series

The Mandalorian


Would you like to see C-3PO make an appearance in one of the episodes?

I would love to see C-3PO in

The Mandalorian


I stand ready.

I wisely wait for my phone to ring.

I think

The Mandalorian


got off to a great start thanks to its new technological approach and innovative styling.

As for my potential participation in the next developments of the

Star Wars


, yes, discussions are underway.

But I can't tell you more at the moment.

The sequel to the trilogy we have just finished, and which ended with Episode IX

The Rise of Skywalker,

is in its infancy.

I have built my whole career wearing a mask… And I did not die.

So I would like people to realize that wearing a mask can save lives!

Anthony Daniels

What positive do you have to say about your involvement in the very first

Star Wars Holiday special,

set in 1978?

Well, I got paid!


Let's just say that this show gave fans a talking point anyway.

To be honest, the shooting was appalling.

We were playing in front of black curtains, so much so that we had the feeling of attending a funeral.

But frankly, in hindsight, being with Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford has always been a pleasure for me.

Honestly if you watch this movie till the end on YouTube you will notice that in the last moments we are all huddled together ... Kind of like we are on a lifeboat!

In short, we all had the feeling that this TV movie was a shipwreck ...


Lego Star Wars

, anything is possible, even the most incredible intrigues: here the Harrison Ford of Episode VII meets that of the first films.

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What made you decide to accept the role of your C3-PO character in this new

Lego Star Wars



The new part is more ambitious than the original which it mocks ... but to which it also pays homage.

Being in a

Lego Star Wars


allows you to travel through time with the fearless Rey.

The film encompasses the entire saga in 40 minutes.

Even Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian make an appearance ... In essence, a

Lego Star Wars


is funny, fun.

And besides, how do you want to take yourself seriously when you are represented by a figurine ?!


Anthony Daniels: "How seriously do you want to take yourself when you are represented by a figure ?!

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These films are designed both for children and for the parents who accompany them.

They are always a little irreverent.


Lego Star Wars Holiday Special

allowed my character to live strange adventures, to meet people that we do not normally meet ... For all those who have young children who have not yet discovered

Star Wars

, this kind of movie is a great introduction.

And then I think right now people need to have fun.

God knows that as the Christmas holidays approach, we need to get away from our daily lives in this pandemic period ...


Lego Star Wars


are designed both for children and for the parents who accompany them.

They are always funny and irreverent.

2020 Lucasfilm Ltd.

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All Rights Reserved

What does this terrible time of Covid inspire you?

Well, I've built my entire career wearing a mask… And I'm not dead of it.

So I would like people to realize that wearing a mask can save lives!

Source: lefigaro

All life articles on 2020-11-18

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