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Horoscope for today, November 29, 2020, of all zodiac signs


Check here your horoscope for today, Sunday, November 29. What are the stars in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja


today's horoscope, Sunday, November 29

, the


and the planet


face each other, generating tensions within you by not being able to balance your logic with your emotion.


Today the Moon decides to face Mercury and, with this movement, your ideas and your thoughts will be confused, which can cause you different communication problems.

As you will feel tension inside, everything will annoy you and you will show it through a certain anger giving responses in a bad way and creating an inharmonious environment.

You must bear in mind due to the aforementioned influence that it can be a bad day if you have to sign important papers, since you will not be able to have a clear logic.

Avoid making mistakes and remember that this is temporary because it can also happen to you when you speak at business meetings. 

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Aries Monthly Horoscope for November

Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


While still in your sign, the Moon exalts your instabilities and faces Mercury.

You will feel this stellar opposition through many changes in your mood, without understanding yourself or your friends and without knowing whether to follow what your mind tells you or go on the side of your feelings.

Due to these internal disagreements, it will be difficult for you to control your words and react calmly;

Especially when someone from your friends calls your attention to your contradictory actions.

Avoid saying one thing and then doing the other.

Keep in mind that this will reflect what is really happening to you and remember that this influence is temporary.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for November

Taurus Yearly Horoscope 2020


During these days, your mood is highly sensitive due to tomorrow's Full Moon Eclipse in your sign.

To all this influence, today is added the confrontation between the Moon and Mercury, your ruling planet, which increases your irritability.

You must know how to control yourself by putting all your patience and self-control, since you will feel this more in your work because your emotion and your thoughts do not agree on how to solve your work life.

A part of you tells you that you should continue in the same job, while your rational side tells you that it is time to seek new opportunities.

Keep in mind that, in this way, you will leave your comfort zone, but this way you can continue to grow professionally and financially.

See also:

Gemini Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for November

Gemini Annual Horoscope 2020


On her way through Taurus, the Moon has a strong confrontation with Mercury.

You will feel this because it will increase your nervous tension by not being able to make good decisions, since your mental clarity is confused with emotional matters.

This opposition that will be within you will be accentuated even more by not being able to find a point of balance;

particularly, between the attention you devote to your personal businesses and the attention you pay to the work projects you share with your colleagues.

As you will not be able to decide on which one to focus your greatest energy, you will react impulsively to any claim from one side or the other for your lack of dedication.

See also:

Cancer Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Cancer Monthly Horoscope for November

Cancer 2020 Annual Horoscope


Every day, your sensitivity is increasing more for the Lunar Eclipse of tomorrow and today you will feel it through the increased tensions in your family group.

With this influence, you could receive complaints from them for your bad character without knowing how to react.

On the one hand, your emotions and your pride do not let you give up positions, while your reasoning advises you to put everything aside and act with more maturity.

In this way, you will learn to overcome problems and not get carried away by your instinctual side.

This way you will also achieve a climate of harmony with your family that, at this time, it is so important to know how to maintain it.

See also:

Weekly horoscope for Leo, from 23 to 29 November 2020

Monthly horoscope for Leo for November

Annual horoscope for Leo 2020


The Universe presents you with challenges from time to time so that you can find a balance point in the middle of the confrontations.

Today is one of those opportunities and they will come to you through the opposition between the Moon and Mercury, which will generate tensions for you by not knowing how to act to resolve certain situations with your siblings or with those you consider so.

Inside you, you will have the fight to decide with your heart or with reason.

This makes you angry with yourself;

However, remember that you should not choose the extremes, but look for the intermediate solution.

It is in this way that the cosmos advises you to solve them.

See also:

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for November

Virgo 2020 Annual Horoscope


The Moon continues on its way through Taurus.

In it, activate your emotional memories so that you decide to do a cleaning and remove from your heart what you cling to without meaning.

As the luminary also faces Mercury, you will have a fight inside.

This will be between continuing with those attachments and memories and your mind that advises you to remove them so that you can continue to grow in other feelings and relationships.  

The result of this situation may be that you react badly and even get angry with yourself, but it would be best if you make a list of those attachments and tomorrow deliver them to the Lunar Eclipse in the ritual so that you can overcome them.

See also:

Libra Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope for November

Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today the Universe challenges you not to make radical or extreme decisions and to find a good solution between your emotions and your thoughts.

This is because the Moon and Mercury will face each other and this you will feel within you, especially with one of your intimate relationships when, before a moment of tension between you, you understand that you cannot continue the same because both are harming each other.

Since it is difficult for you to decide whether to follow the heart or the mind, you will be very irritable and can make things more complicated.

Let these days go by and, after tomorrow's eclipse, review the relationship so as not to go to extremes.

See also:

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for November

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2020


Today the Moon today faces Mercury and activates the deepest part of your heart so that you rethink the way you are managing your emotions when obstacles are presented to you.

By having this opposition, you can realize that your emotional and mental world are not calm as you assumed.

In addition, you will notice that you are very susceptible to everything that happens and what they think of you, which influences your mood.

As all this produces anger and irritation, it is better that you find a point of balance within yourself to overcome nervous exhaustion and feel better about yourself.

For this, I suggest you protect yourself by using some amulet for health.

See also:

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for November

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2020


Today the Universe presents you with a difficult day due to the clash of energies between the Moon and Mercury.

With this influence on the horoscope, a certain tension increases within you.

On the one hand, to follow your more rational and ambitious side, taking care of maintaining your role as boss within your work group.

On the other, to get closer to them and also share their concerns to create stronger ties.

This doubt can make you irritable and, instead of solving and finding a good middle ground, you could transmit that bad mood and make relationships worse.

You better let a few days pass;

above all, tomorrow's eclipse that makes you more susceptible.

See also:

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for November

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2020


With so little left for the Lunar Eclipse, your emotional and mental instability increases, since the Moon is opposite the Sun. Today, in addition, the confrontation of this with Mercury is added.

You will notice this clearly when feeling extremely irritable due to the tension between your material aspirations and your family ones.

As you can go through claims of time and attention, your bad mood would be altered and you could not find a middle ground to reach a good balance.

For that reason, I suggest you let a few days go by and that way you do not feel so much opposition.

Consider that both parts are important in your life and that it is appropriate to balance them.

See also:

Aquarius weekly horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Aquarius monthly horoscope for November

Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


There are times when internal tensions and imbalances exert pressure within you to all come out together.

Today is one of those days when you will experience those sensations when the Moon meets Mercury.

This could manifest it in a very impulsive way, since it is also added to the high sensitivity prior to tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse.

For this reason, you will be very defensive and, in the face of any criticism, you will decide not to give in to others and less to listen to or accept any advice.

However, I suggest you listen to them because it will encourage you to find the answers you need and are looking for.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, November 23-29, 2020

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for November

Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-11-29

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