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The bridge collapsed and 30 beauty queens fell into the polluted water - Walla! Fashion


The 30 models vying for the title of Beauty Queen of Thailand were huddled on a bridge in Chiang Mai when it suddenly collapsed from their weight load. Luckily the height was not great and the incident ended with minor injuries to three of them. Watch the bizarre event

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The bridge collapsed and 30 beauty queens plunged into the polluted water

The 30 models vying for the title of Beauty Queen of Thailand were huddled on a bridge in Chiang Mai when it suddenly collapsed from their weight load.

Luckily the height was not great and the incident ended with minor injuries to three of them.

Watch the bizarre event


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  • Beauty queens

Not to be missed

Thursday, 10 December 2020, 23:42

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No matter who wins the title of "Beauty Queen of Thailand" this year, in any case the 30 beautiful candidates will never forget the second day of the annual competition.

They were photographed on a bridge, apparently particularly delicate, when it suddenly collapsed and caused the fall of all the contaminated water candidates that were under the bridge.

This bizarre moment was documented in real time, when all the contestants wore a uniform shirt of the competition and wore a hat against the sun and also a face mask.

Fortunately, the bridge was not erected at great height and the fall was not painful and caused only minor injuries to some of the girls.

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As a result of the fall, three of the contestants were slightly injured.

One suffered cuts and bruises to her forehead, while the other two girls suffered minor bruises.

They were all taken to the hospital and released.

The bridge is located in Chiang Mai, the beautiful city in the north of the country that many Israelis visit and was made entirely of terrorists, who were attached to steel on the sides.

The owner of the cafe to which the bridge led was so embarrassed by this incident and he decided to donate 500,000 baht to fund the treatment of the injured and the cleaning of the white clothes soiled with water.

"I do not know why the bridge collapsed. It is strong, but could not withstand the weight of the girls. In the future, we will make improvements to it that will be even stronger," he said.

By the way, after the fall, the 27 girls who were not injured at all, continued in the incident without the three girls who were evacuated to the hospital and they joined a day later.

Dr. Adisoren Sadi, director of the 2020 Beauty Queen pageant, called this fall “unexpected.” Ironically, he also explained that the pageant was moved from the capital Bangkok to Chiang Mai for safety reasons.

Watch the moments of embarrassment

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Source: walla

All life articles on 2020-12-11

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