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13 Hours match: Marie-Sophie Lacarrau stronger than Julian Bugier and… Jean-Pierre Pernaut


For his first week, the new TF1 recruit came ahead of France 2 in terms of hearings. His mid-day newscast also gathered

A winning bet for TF1, which risked big after the departure of Jean-Pierre Pernaut on December 18!

On the side of France 2, the management even hoped that this change, after 33 years of domination, would “redistribute the cards”.

This is far from being the case, for the moment, according to the hearings.

“Julian is not Marie-Sophie”, one room in the corridors of TF1.

A direct reference to the pique of Laurent Guimier, head of information for France Televisions, a few weeks rather in the Parisian - Today in France: “Marie-Sophie is not Jean-Pierre.


For her first week at the helm of the 13 Heures de la Une, and after four years on that of France 2, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau has therefore won an average of 6.1 million viewers, or 44.2% of audience share.

This result boosted by strong news represents 1.1 million more than “JPP”, exactly a year ago.

But above all 3.4 points more in audience share, out of the general public.

Same trend, for women purchasing managers under 50, the preferred target for advertisers (33.6% instead of 29.3%, at the start of 2020).

"The faithful stayed and others came to see," says Caroline Henry, co-editor in chief of the mid-day edition.

Our strength is to have changed the presentation, but not the rest of the newspaper.


"There is no match, or else it is folded"

For Marie-Sophie Lacarrau and TF1, it all started on a cloudy note on Monday, January 4.

That day, 6.4 million people (45.5% of PDA) had the curiosity to follow the television news of Jean-Pierre Pernaut's replacement, warmly applauded by the editorial staff just after having returned the air.

“These good audiences have allowed us to see things more calmly, adds Caroline Henry, who admits having had some questions upstream.

We will be able to continue working without questioning everything.

And in the field, people find it super-natural.

"" We do more than double than France 2, we add to TF1.

There is no match, or else it is folded.

Afterwards, it's a marathon… ”


So, how is it after Pernaut?

The only downside is that the gap with the 1pm newspaper from France 2 seems to be narrowing.

Monday, 3.4 million viewers separated the two editions, as welcomed by TF1 in a press release.

Then 3.1 million Tuesday, 2.9 million Wednesday and 2.8 million Thursday.

Before a rebound Friday: 3.2 million difference.

The fault with "bad luck", tells Christophe Tortora, director of the national editorial staff of France Televisions.

In other words, an internal technical bug which cut the signal of France 2 at 1:15 p.m., that is to say in full JT of Julian Bugier, on the boxes Orange and SFR.

The channel figures at 500,000, the number of viewers lost because of this incident.

“Certainly, it was Pernaut who marabouted us!

“People joked at the France Televisions coffee machine on Saturday morning.

"Julian knew how to find the right tone"

Not enough to lose the smile so far.

Over a week, the former joker of the 20 Hours of Anne-Sophie Lapix has attracted almost 3 million viewers, or 240,000 more than Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, a year ago, at the same place.

“We are delighted,” continues Christophe Tortora.

In both substance and form, our new

13 Heures

is on the air as we had imagined.

It's still a news story, with more proximity and a consumer focus.

Julian was also able to find the right tone for the

20 Hours




On the other hand, audience share side, it's a little fishy: 21.5% on average against 22.6%, at the beginning of 2020. “TF1 is very high, because people wanted to see how the replacement for Jean-Pierre Pernaut was .

But we are in our figures, nuance the director of the national editorial staff of France Televisions.

We will make a real assessment in a few months, even a few years.

We tick all the boxes to make it work better and better.

“Common to the two competitors, the drop in the average age of viewers: from 64 to 63.3 years for La Deux and from 61.9 to 61.2 years for La Une, which remains the youngest channel.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2021-01-09

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