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Sputnik V vaccine: those vaccinated who had adverse effects after its application rose from 2.7% to 3.85%


It is clear from the third safety report presented by the Ministry of Health on almost 90,000 immunized people.

01/12/2021 12:27

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 01/12/2021 12:27 PM

The number of vaccinated people who suffered adverse effects after applying the first dose of the

Sputnik V


in Argentina

increased in percentage from 2.7% to 3.85%


This follows from the third report that the Ministry of Health and the National Commission for Vaccine Safety released this Tuesday.

The report is based on the notifications of 3,453 ESAVI (Event supposedly attributed to vaccines and immunizations) registered in the SIISA (Integrated Argentine Health Information System) between December 29 when the vaccination began and January 8,

when they had been applied 89,576 doses

reported according to the Federal Register of Nominal Vaccination (NoMiVac).

There it is also clarified that 

99.3% of the adverse effects

reported after the application of the first dose of Sputnik V were "mild and moderate".

The detail of these 3,453 notifications indicates that 32.4% correspond to people with fever, headache and / or myalgia within 24 hours;

52.74% reported headache and / or myalgia without fever;

7.10% only fever;

1.53% local reaction to injection;

1.62%, mild allergy and 1.36% gastrointestinal symptoms.

Only 25 patients were hospitalized

for symptomatic treatment and all recovered, according to the Directorate of Control of Immunopreventable Diseases of the Ministry of Health.

In previous reports, no hospitalizations had been recorded.

In the second safety report on the Sputnik V vaccine, 1,088 cases of mild and moderate adverse effects had been reported after the first 39,599 doses applied.

A doctor receives the vaccine in a hospital in Berisso.

Photo: Mauricio Nievas.

Among the expected reactions after receiving the Sputnik V vaccine, pain at the injection site, hyperemia, and swelling may occur.

Also systemic reactions: short-lived flu-like syndrome with onset within 24 to 48 hours (characterized by chills, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, asthenia, malaise, headache) or less frequent gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, dyspepsia, decreased appetite) .

These reactions last an average of 24 hours.

The third report also notes that

23 of the 24 jurisdictions reported such events

attributable to vaccines and reminds vaccinated people to consult the nearest health center if post-vaccination symptoms appear.

"Although vaccination is contraindicated for the moment in breastfeeding women, its administration is not a reason to suspend it," he adds.

In addition, the report indicates to those who had mild to moderate effects that "they

must complete the vaccination schedule

with a minimum interval of 21 days

, because the data from Phase 1-21 showed a lower frequency of AE (adverse effects) when administering the second dose (Adv5 component) ".

The Ministry of Health also reminds health workers that any symptoms must be notified to the SIISA within the first 24 hours in cases of severe ESAVI, and within the first week in the rest of the events. not serious.

With information from Télam.


Look also

Coronavirus: Equine serum proved effective in treating patients

Russian vaccine against coronavirus: the second shipment of Sputnik V would arrive between January 15 and 20 to Argentina

Source: clarin

All life articles on 2021-01-12

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