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Two approved corona vaccines in Germany - can I decide which one to inject?


The Biontech / Pfizer vaccine has been inoculated since December, and the Moderna preparation was approved in January. So it is with the freedom of choice of the citizens.

The Biontech / Pfizer vaccine has been inoculated since December, and the Moderna preparation was approved in January.

So it is with the freedom of choice of the citizens.

  • The corona vaccination is voluntary, if you don't want to be vaccinated, you don't have to.

    But most medical professionals strongly advise to get immunized.

  • The herd immunity effect can only be achieved if a broad mass of the population can be vaccinated.

    According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), a vaccination rate of 60 to 70 percent is necessary for effective control of the corona pandemic, as the Ärzteblatt informs.

  • Find out here whether you can choose between the Moderna or Biontech / Pfizer vaccination, which is currently possible in Germany.

According to the manufacturers, the mRNA vaccinations from Moderna and Biontech / Pfizer provide vaccination protection of up to 96 percent.

The probability of being infected with the coronavirus is up to 96 percent lower in vaccinated people than in non-vaccinated people.

However, the vaccination protection differs depending on age *, as the Tagesschau informed.

The Biontech vaccine is said to achieve better vaccination results in the over-65 group than the Moderna active ingredient


The former is said to have an efficacy of more than 94 percent, whereas this value according to the US Food and Drug Administration is 86.4 percent for the Moderna vaccine.

For people between 18 and 64 years of age, however, the Moderna vaccine offers slightly better protection against Covid-19 (96 percent vaccination protection) than the Biontech preparation (95 percent).

But can you even decide which vaccine is given to you?

Politicians are at odds here.

Moderna or Biontech?

When citizens can decide which vaccination they want to get

“Citizens should have the freedom to decide which vaccine they will be vaccinated with,” announced the Berlin Senator for Health Dilek Kalayci at the beginning of January 2021.

At the moment, the vaccination centers would be sorted by vaccine, rbb quotes the politician.

When making an appointment, Berliners can therefore determine which center they go to - and thus also choose which of the approved means they get.

Health Minister Jens Spahn contradicts this.

He had stated that there was no option for citizens:

At least at the moment one was not able to “make the offer that one could say: I want Moderna or Biontech


This is due to the shortage of vaccines, which will remain in the foreseeable future.

The consumer organization Stiftung Warentest confirms this: First of all, according to health experts, it will probably not be possible to choose a vaccine of your choice.

Which drug is inoculated depends in the initial phase on the availability, it says on their website.

As long as the vaccine is still scarce, "you will not be able to vote", quoted rbb Health Minister Spahn.

Once enough of all vaccines is available, “it will work at some point”, so his prognosis.

(jg) * belongs to the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editorial network


More sources:

Read more

: Does corona vaccination work against British virus mutation?

Study is optimistic - also with regard to the Africa virus.

The life-saving prick: These risk groups should be vaccinated against the flu

The life-saving prick: These risk groups should be vaccinated against the flu

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2021-01-15

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