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Homemade masks: the health protocol in companies will be adapted


Faced with the new variants of Covid-19, it will soon no longer be possible for employees to wear homemade masks, but only

No more home-made masks in the workplace.

The health protocol will be adapted to ask employees to no longer use homemade masks, deemed insufficient by the health authorities in the face of variants of the very contagious virus, said Sunday the Secretary of State for Occupational Health, Laurent Pietraszewski , interviewed by our colleagues from Franceinfo.

Masks at work: "The protocol will very quickly provide that artisanal masks are not required in business", announces Laurent Pietraszewski

- franceinfo (@franceinfo) January 24, 2021

The protocol for the fight against Covid-19 "will very quickly provide that artisanal masks are not required in companies, it is industrial masks for the general public and surgical masks" which are, according to Laurent Pietraszewski.

"The government has scrupulously followed the recommendations of the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) since the start of the crisis", he insisted, adding that the protocol would be adapted "after, as always, having discussed it with the social partners ”.

Category 1 surgical, FFP2 or fabric masks

Henceforth, only three types of masks should therefore in principle be worn: surgical masks (from the medical world), FFP2 (the most protective) and so-called “category 1” industrial fabric masks.

This recommendation of the High Council was nevertheless criticized by the Academy of Medicine, for which it "lacks scientific proof" while "the effectiveness of masks for the

general public

has never been faulted when they are correctly doors ".


Covid-19: faced with variants, should we stop using homemade fabric masks?

Asked about the possibility that a re-containment will be decided in the coming days, Laurent Pietraszewski assured that the executive was still giving "today every chance to curfew", stressing that it had produced "encouraging results" in the departments where it was implemented from January 2.

The Secretary of State has also confirmed his desire to be the head of the LREM list in Hauts-de-France in the regional elections, which should take place in June.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2021-01-24

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