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Youth in distress in the face of the pandemic: the survey that worries


According to a survey that we unveil, 18-24 year olds cry out their discomfort, weighed down by an endless health crisis and the threat of a third

At the end of the line, he is struck by their despair.

So Florian Tirana, a student like them, listens to them at length, giving them time and space to verbalize their suffering.

"To have the right words is not to have too many", assures the young president of the Nightline association, a psychological support service which always receives more calls, up to 200 per week.

And thank you messages are pouring in.

"It really did me good to empty my bag".

"This is exactly what I was looking for, an ear to confide in, a shoulder to cry on."

Distance learning, odd jobs stopped, social life cut off… Plagued by an endless health crisis, the young people cry out about their growing discomfort at a time when the threat of a third reconfinement looms.

The figures, which we publish, are final.

According to an Ipsos survey for the FondaMental Foundation, dedicated to mental pathologies, 40% of 18-24 year olds report a generalized anxiety disorder, this is + 9 points compared to all French people.

Three in 10 young people have had thoughts of suicide or thought about self-harm.

And 2 in 3 believe that the current Covid crisis will have negative consequences on their own mental health.

"We took care of our elders but not our young people"

"These data are very worrying", comments Étienne Mercier, director of the opinion and health pole at Ipsos.

This psychological distress is a little more characteristic among women, the most precarious and the 22-24 age group, worried by unemployment.

"We took a lot of care of our elders but not of our young people," laments Marion Leboyer, psychiatrist at Henri-Mondor hospital and director of the FondaMental foundation, hardly surprised by the results of the survey.

The same depression also affects American, Chinese and European youth.

“While during the first confinement, we applauded the doctors at the windows, telling ourselves that we were going to get out, there, a climate of uncertainty sets in and no one sees the end of this crisis.

Many feel that they are missing out on a decisive period in their life ”.

The child psychiatrist, Pierre Canoui, abounds.

“Today, young people are confronted with a rhythm which is essentially based on prohibitions and obligations.

By reducing their field of freedom, at age one needs to experiment and take risks, this inevitably induces psychological disorders ”.

"Depression and anxiety disorders can be treated"

Sometimes Arnaud, 21, recognizes it, he has trouble getting up.

What is the use of spending all your days, listening to a teacher behind your screen in a 10 m² room.

Disturbed sleep, demotivation, fatigue, dark thoughts ... These are precisely the signs that should encourage you to ask for help.

The “psy” checks, announced by Emmanuel Macron, aim to encourage this approach.

“Even if three free consultations, that will not be enough!

warns Christophe Ferveur, psychologist from the French Student Health Foundation, who has been drowning in alarming phone calls, especially since early December.

"Depression, anxiety disorders, it can be treated, urges Marion Leboyer, addressing young people.

Don't be ashamed, don't feel guilty!

It's a disease like any other ”.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2021-01-27

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