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Meloni's birthday, as a gift I would like to sleep... - News


Highlights: Meloni's birthday, as a gift I would like to sleep... - News. From Conte to Sunak, best wishes for 47 years. Giorgia Meloni celebrated her birthday at Palazzo Chigi, the second since she has been at the helm of the government, 14 months that are worth "a whole legislature, a year seems like five...". "I feel 47, maybe even 48 or 49 right now. Am I not sleeping much? Eh, a little bit..."

From Conte to Sunak, best wishes for 47 years. (ANSA)

Over a thousand messages on his phone, from Giuseppe Conte to Ursula von der Leyen, the cake and a toast with his closest collaborators, and a live link with Un giorno da pecora, where he revealed the gift he would like most: "Sleep". In the breaks between the various commitments on the agenda, Giorgia Meloni celebrated her birthday at Palazzo Chigi, the second since she has been at the helm of the government, fourteen months that are worth "a whole legislature, a year seems like five ...". The fatigue, in short, is felt, but the prime minister is sure that she will still be in her place at the milestone of 50: "It will be in January 2027, then of course, it is up to us".

Video Meloni, a year at Palazzo Chigi seems like five...

Meanwhile, there are 47. "Dead talking...", Meloni smiled quoting the grimace. " I feel 47, maybe even 48 or 49 right now. After the holidays even more, even when you step on the scale there are these dynamics here...", she joked with Geppi Cucciari and Giorgio Lauro, the hosts of the radio show who asked her if she no longer has time to train: "Objectively a little less, it is not even a question of time but also of physical fatigue, but I try.

Video Meloni on social media thanks for the wishes: 'You are my strength'

One of my New Year's resolutions is to get back to training consistently."

Another toast could be organized tomorrow in the Chamber of Deputies with the party's parliamentarians, who in the last few hours would be organizing to give her a gift. Meanwhile, in the offices of Palazzo Chigi, one with a double cake was staged, to also celebrate the 66th birthday of Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano. In addition to the messages on social media, there were also private messages on the smartphone. "So much encouragement that I will treasure. You are my strength, I love you," he thanked in a short video on social media. Matteo Salvini and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have also written to her, she explained. "I don't know if Elly Schlein wished me well, Conte did them to me, at 8 in the morning, I read those," the prime minister said in the connection with Radio 1, who among other things will be in a hearing on Friday before the Jury of Honor of the Chamber, asked against her by the leader of the M5S. For a dinner with friends this time there is no time, "in case we catch up". Among the gifts appreciated was that of a friend, "some new placemats for the kitchen, beautiful, they were needed, the old ones were all ruined". But what he would like most, he admitted, is "sleep. Am I not sleeping much? Eh, a little bit...".

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Source: ansa

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