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The French spend 4h37 a day watching videos


Highlights: In 2023, French people spent 4h37 per day watching videos. A third of this consumption is now carried out on demand, according to Médiamétrie data. Live programs still represent two-thirds of consumption, among those under 25. The number of programs totaling more than 500,000 viewers in replay has doubled in five years. The small screen in decline, with individuals aged 4 and over now spending an average of 3 hours and 19 minutes each day watching TV programs.

A third of this consumption now occurs on demand.

In 2023, French people spent 4h37 per day watching videos.

Proof that uses are evolving rapidly, a third of this consumption is now carried out on demand, according to Médiamétrie data revealed on Thursday.

This concerns subscription video on demand services such as Netflix or myCanal, the video platforms of traditional TV players financed by advertising, such as TF1+, 6Play or, as well as platforms such as YouTube or Twitch and social networks like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook.

If live programs still represent two-thirds of consumption, among those under 25,

the proportion between on-demand and live consumption is almost reversed


however, indicates Julien Rosanvallon, deputy general director of Médiamétrie.

All television channels have therefore accelerated on digital.

The number of programs totaling more than 500,000 viewers in replay has doubled in five years


indicates Médiamétrie.

For example,


one of TF1's new dramas, attracted 1.5 million viewers on demand.

Arte and its

Polar Park

series attracted 634,000 people on demand.

Preview programs, viewed before their live broadcast, having crossed this threshold of 500,000 viewers have also jumped.

Their number has increased tenfold in one year.

In November, 10.3

million people watched preview programs on the platforms of traditional television players


Médiamétrie further details.

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The small screen in decline

Regarding the time spent daily watching television, the decline is confirmed.

Individuals aged 4 and over now spend an average of 3 hours and 19 minutes each day watching TV programs.

That’s 7 minutes lost in one year.

In 2022, this TV consumption had already decreased by 15 minutes.

Ten years ago, the French spent 3 hours 46 minutes a day in front of the television.

Almost half an hour more.

And young people are no longer the only ones to desert.

Bad news, 25-49 year olds, one of the commercial targets favored by advertisers, now spend 2 hours 18 minutes in front of the small screen, or 16 minutes less in one year.

Housewives, another commercial target favored by advertisers, have reduced their TV consumption by 12 minutes in one year, which now stands at 2h25.

Read alsoNetflix discusses with Médiamétrie to measure its audiences like television

In 2024, Médiamétrie is preparing for a busy year.

Since January 1, the institution has measured the audience of programs in homes without a TV.

And it includes the consumption of TV programs watched at home using smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. In the second quarter, it will implement cross-media measurement of advertising campaigns.

This summer, Médiamétrie will tackle the measurement of preview viewing of programs, which channels are increasingly offering before broadcast on air.

Then, at the end of the year, it will extend the measurement of the TV audience to video-on-demand platforms such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Initially, Médiamétrie will calculate their overall audience, before measuring performance. content in a second step.

By the end of the year, the market will therefore be able to have a more precise idea of ​​the respective weight of television and video players.

Source: lefigaro

All life articles on 2024-01-18

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