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Christopher Nolan will also receive an Honorary César


Highlights: Christopher Nolan will also receive an Honorary César. The director of Oppenheimer and Interstellar will receive a compression on February 23 on the stage of the Olympia. Agnès Jaoui will still be showing on Wednesday in a comedy, The Last of the Jews. The Caesar evening, often the occasion for political or social demands, will also be a baptism of fire for the new Minister of Culture Rachida Dati. The nominations must be revealed next Wednesday. The film “Anatomy of a Fall’, which won the Palme d’Or in May, is the favorite.

In addition to Agnès Jaoui, the Académie des César will honor on February 23 the director of Oppenheimer who knew how to bring the public back to the theaters.

Its shelf is already buckling under the weight of the multiple Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards received since the start of the year.

Not to mention the Oscars and the British Bafta trophies which will undoubtedly fill his collection.

But Christopher Nolan will also have to make room for an honorary César.

The director of




will receive a compression on February 23 on the stage of the Olympia.

And if


was ever selected in the best foreign film category, Christopher Nolan could even leave with a second compression under his arm.

His latest masterpiece, Oppenheimer, a true global phenomenon, was acclaimed by critics and audiences for its revolutionary visual aesthetic.

He knows how to transcend the boundaries of space and time.

The release of each of his works is the subject of a real event.

Since his debut with Following, Christopher Nolan has had a passion and an unwavering commitment to the cinematic experience in theaters and continually pushes the limits of storytelling

,” underlined the Académie des César which has succeeded in a big way.

Also read Barbie, Oppenheimer, Anatomy of a fall?

Hollywood experts deliver their Oscar predictions

Christopher Nolan, whose biopic of the creator of the atomic bomb brought audiences back to theaters, is in pole position in the race for the Oscars, which will announce their nominations on Tuesday.

Despite the critical and public success of these frescoes, from




via the

Batman The Dark Knight

trilogy , the 53-year-old American-British filmmaker has never won an Oscar.


's aura

finally gives him hope of victory on March 10.

Appointments announced Wednesday

In addition to Christopher Nolan, the César Academy will take advantage of this 49th ceremony to honor the French actress Agnès Jaoui. “

It was in the theater, in 1987, that her career really took off and was forever marked: there she met a certain Jean -Pierre Bacri.

A true creative fusion is taking place between them, giving birth to numerous successful plays and films

,” noted the Académie des César in another press release this morning.

They were one of the most famous couples in cinema and will remain close until Bacri's death in 2021. Agnès Jaoui is the female artist most awarded the César, with six statuettes

,” recalled the text.

She will still be showing on Wednesday in a comedy,

The Last of the Jews.

Committed, she spoke out in 2020 against sexism and misogyny, recounting abuse suffered in her childhood.

The César nominations must be revealed next Wednesday.

The film “Anatomy of a Fall”, which won the Palme d’Or in May, is the favorite.

The fantastic phenomenon

The Animal Kingdom


The Goldman Trial

should also be full of quotes. Members of the Academy will have one month to vote, before the ceremony is held on February 23 at the Olympia, chaired by Valérie Lemercier.

The Caesar evening, often the occasion for political or social demands, will also be a baptism of fire for the new Minister of Culture Rachida Dati.

Source: lefigaro

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