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Immigration Law: Paris, Lille, Nantes, Perpignan... thousands of people gathered against the text


Highlights: Immigration Law: Paris, Lille, Nantes, Perpignan... thousands of people gathered against the text. 160 marches are planned for this Sunday. The call to demonstrate was launched by 201 personalities from the world of culture, politics and unions. The Const Council will make a decision on the immigration law on January 21, 2024. The law is a break with French principles since 1789 for land law and since 1945 for the universality of social protection, declared the general secretary of the CGT.

The call to demonstrate was launched by 201 personalities from the world of culture, politics and unions. The Const Council

A day synonymous with the final message.

Four days before a long-awaited decision by the Constitutional Council, a large coalition of opponents of the immigration law demonstrated on Sunday against the promulgation of a text which, according to them, represents the ideological victory of "the extreme right".

The call was launched by 201 personalities, 160 marches are planned for this Sunday.

“We wanted to bring together very widely to show that the indignation went beyond activist circles (…) This law is a break with French principles since 1789 for land law and since 1945 for the universality of social protection” , declared the general secretary of the CGT, Sophie Binet, who called for mobilization with her CFDT counterpart, Marylise Léon.

5,000 people in Nantes

Gathered in Paris where a few thousand people were present before the departure of the procession, scheduled for 2:30 p.m. but which was delayed, several left-wing leaders, Manon Aubry (LFI), Marine Tondelier (Ecologists), Fabien Roussel (PCF) and Olivier Faure (PS) castigated an executive “which opened the drawbridge to the ideas of the extreme right”, according to the last cited, first secretary of the PS.

Strong mobilization in #Paris against Gérald #Darmanin's immigration law.

Several thousand demonstrators will march to Les Invalides.

— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) January 21, 2024

In the capital, activists will rally to Les Invalides from Trocadéro.

But the movement is spreading across the whole of France.

According to AFP, this Sunday morning, several hundred people gathered in Metz.

The day before, several hundred demonstrators, between 3,000 and 4,000 according to the organizers, had marched through the streets of Toulouse.

Immigration law: in #Toulouse, it's no.

With @LDHtoulouse #Immigration Law #dignity #fraternity

— NADOT (@Sebastien_Nadot) January 20, 2024

In Caen, the unions claimed between 1,500 and 2,000 demonstrators on Sunday morning.

In Lille, more than 2,000 people marched, led by workers from Emmaüs du Nord communities, who have been on strike for six months to denounce their working conditions and demand their regularization.

In Nantes, the citizens' march gained momentum at midday: 5,000 people marched to oppose the law pushed by Gérald Darmanin, with slogans of “Expulsion, no;

exclusion no;

integration yes,” indicates Ouest-France.

The newspaper L'Humanité, for its part, counted 3,000 demonstrators in Strasbourg.

In Bordeaux too, the event mobilized.

The police counted 2,500 people, while the marchers estimated that number to be double, explains Sud-Ouest.

📢 The #ImmigrationLaw is a no for us!

More than 5,000 people in #Nantes this Sunday morning, including #PCF44 activists, mobilized in numbers for the #republican brotherhood!✊#21january #solidarity #loireatlantique #pcf

— PCF Orvault (@OrvaultPcf) January 21, 2024

The France Bleu branches relayed other parades in France.

In Nancy, 1,500 people gathered, according to the organizers.

The mobilization attracted around 450 people to Périgueux (Dordogne) or Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche).

Further south, 150 demonstrators gathered in front of Cannes station, while another procession was to set off from Nice at 3 p.m., relays France Bleu Azur.

Nearly 150 individuals also said “no to the Immigration law” this Sunday morning in Perpignan.

The activists headed towards town hall, where National Rally mayor Louis Aliot is officiating.

Source: leparis

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